Thursday, October 17, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

 Thursday, October 17th

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
The bureaucrats in Washington reached a deal yesterday to re-open the government and extend the debt ceiling. The final deal has many conservatives upset, but let not your heart be troubled. The particulars of the deal are this: The government will be funded through January 15th and it raises the debt ceiling through February 7th. But there were other goodies attached to the deal including income verification for Obamacare subsidy recipients (already in the law) as well as a number of pork barrel projects. Some of these include a $3 billion locks and dam project in Kentucky, $450 million for emergency funding for Colorado in the wake of the flooding, and $174,000 for the widow of the late Sen. Frank Lautenberg. So much for the demands of a “clean” resolution. In essence, Washington has kicked the can down the road once again. Conservatives are disappointed by the fact that Obamacare remains intact and by the fact that there is no real long-term solutions to our fiscal problems. We are told that we are going to talk abo ut solutions to these problems, but we already know, for example, that the president is going to demand more tax increases. That isn't going to go over well with Republicans. Here we go again …

The Bottom Line
The bottom line in all of this debate is that conservatives should be disappointed about this short-term political loss, but they should not be down about the conservative movement in America. We are seeing some strong, bold leaders emerge in Washington – Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul – and this should be encouraging. What these guys and others like Louie Gohmert and Michele Bachmann have shown is that conservatism is worth fighting for. They've awakened the American people, they've energized the base and they are forcing Republicans to act like real conservatives. Before now, that could rarely be said. That's why I say that we should not let our hearts be troubled. The battle for conservatism has just begun and between leaders in Washington and us fellow Americans, things will change. They already have. This was a battle worth fighting, even if it didn't turn out how we wanted in the end. In the long-run, what has happened over the last few weeks has helped to build the foundation for a conservative revolution in America.
Tragedy in Afghanistan
There’s a tragic story about Staff Sergeant Thomas Baysore Jr., 31, who died Thursday, September 26, in Paktya Province, Afghanistan. According to the Army, Baysore was killed when an enemy combatant wearing an Afghan National Army uniform, opened fire on a group of soldiers, striking Baysore on the left side of his neck. Baysore, originally from Milton, PA is survived by his wife, Jamie Baysore, and their 5-year old son, Darren Baysore, of Clarksville, TN, his mother Sandra Hackerberg of Winfield, Pa, and his father Thomas Baysore of Milton, PA. This was Baysore's third deployment to Afghanistan. On I posted one of Sergeant Baysore’s last emails to his family where he tells the story of a 9 year old child whose life was saved by a real American hero. The sacrifices that these men and women have made for our country should make us all stop and reflect for a moment. We have a real responsibility to be stewards of this great nation, a responsibility I hope we all take seriously. 

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums:
We NEED To Watch The Wallet - Posted by Ryooper2
I'll make it short and sweet.  What happened in Washington is nothing short of terrible.  I wish, just for a second, that all the people I owe money to would just let me borrow more money on the "promise" that I'll pay them later... at some point we're going to be looked at as a real joke, if that hasn't happened already!

>>TV Tonight (10PM ET on Fox News)
Sean reacts to the latest deal in Washington and what it means for us all.

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