Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Wednesday, October 16th

Kicking The Can Down The Road
Senators struck a deal earlier today to reopen the government and extend the federal government's borrowing authority into next year. Both Democrats and Republicans are hoping for quick action to reassure nervous financial markets eyeing a Thursday deadline set by the Treasury Department. The deal would reopen the government with a stopgap spending bill running to Jan. 15, and would extend the government's borrowing authority through at least Feb. 7. It would also require both the House and Senate to name negotiators to try to reach a final deal on a 2014 budget, giving them an end of December deadline. "This is really just a kick the can down the road solution," said Sean opening Wednesday's show. "If it weren't for the 'surrender caucus', we might have been able to defeat ObamaCare."
The Language Of The Left
Not a day goes by without an outrageous comment from the Left. In these times of heightened political tensions, the rhetoric seems to be ratcheting up. Perhaps the most outrageous example to date comes from California Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer. Earlier in the week on the floor of the Senate, she compared to the Republicans in this battle over raising the debt ceiling and funding the government to people who commit domestic abuse. Part of her statement reads as follows... continue reading
An American Solution: Energy
If America wants to get serious about turning this economy around, getting people back to work and weaning ourselves from dependence on countries who hate us, then we need to focus on our domestic energy resources. This is a no-brainer solution that the GOP should embrace whole-heartedly. Our focus on energy is important for domestic security and also would allow us to free ourselves from the international ties that bind us to countries who hate us. There is no reason to be reliant on these nations if we have the capability to be energy independent. Unleash our resources. Unleash the ingenuity of American innovators. Unleash the work ethic of Americans desperate to work hard and earn a good living. We have the ability to be a thriving nation ... if liberals and big government would only get out of the way... more

Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums:
Rafael Cruz will not block the deal - Apocalypto
So Cruz is not going to block the deal, how do you Tea Partiers feel about this? I thought you wanted him to fight 'till the bitter end?

>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 9pm ET):
Sen. Rand Paul reacts to the Senate's attempt to end the budget battle. Plus are Reps. Bachmann and Cueller satisfied with the proposed compromise? And how Sen. Mike Lee continues to champion for veterans.

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