Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Tuesday, November 5th

It might become the most famous punctuation mark in history: Obama's promise of "if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan. Period." Usually the period designates the finality of a thought. Unfortunately the thought preceding it was a lie and that period should look more like an asterisks.

This president just doesn't get it. The American people are sick of being lied to. We deserve better than this. Yet now the president is outrageously trying to change history. He's now claiming that his promise (which he publicly made at least 29 times) really was that you could keep your plan "if it hasn't changed since the law is passed." We've got the tapes. In the digital age of the internet and YouTube and television, it's not very difficult to point out that he is simply lying. If that's what he meant to say, then he didn't say it. He misled us. He lied to us.

Meanwhile, the hits just keep on coming. It's amazing the amount of stories that continue to pour in about the effect Obamacare is having on Americans around the country. Here are more of the latest from just the last day. 
Wasted $
Let's take a look at some of the absurd ways our federal government chooses to spend our hard-earned tax dollars. CNS News reports the following outrageous examples: The Interior Department through its Bureau of Reclamation has announced a $600,000 grant opportunity to capture and radio track California leaf-nosed bats and Townsend’s big-eared bats “... to determine and describe the distribution of foraging distances.” (CNS News) Or how about this?

Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums:
Election Day: 2013 - danagoo
Well, it’s election day in Virginia – smallest ballot I’ve seen in years. Just four races in my district: Gov, Lt Gov, Attorney General, and House of Deleagates. No ballot initiatives, bond issues, referendums etc…

>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 10pm ET):
Doctors leaving, coverage lost, and it's only the beginning! So what happens when ObamaCare is fully implemented? Experts and insiders have shocking insight.

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