Monday, December 30, 2013


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Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for December 30th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

Antarctic global warming expeditionists trapped in ice may have to be rescued by helicopter

Australian climate change professor Chris Turney, passengers and media hoping to get pictures penguins windsurfing where ice should be set out on an expedition to demonstrate the effects of global warming on Antarctica. The ship and all on board have now been trapped in ice for almost a week and counting...

NYT report: Benghazi attack was ‘fueled in large part’ by YouTube video

The Times’ report says assertions that the YouTube video played no role in the attack were “claims by some members of Congress.” However, those claims were not isolated to U.S. Republicans. Last September, Libyan President Mohammed Magarief also said the YouTube video had nothing to do with the Benghazi attack...

Debbie Wasserman Schultz New Year’s resolution: Convincing Republicans to stop disagreeing with Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Odd as it may seem, my New Year’s resolution is to break the New Year’s resolution of Debbie Wasserman Schultz...

Bloomberg-the-Humble: ‘Literally saved 9,200 lives’ during mayoral tenure

My theory is that Michael Bloomberg is bragging about the number of lives saved during his mayoral tenure because he thinks they serve as offsets to all the people killed by his enormous carbon footprint...

Heh: Obamacare advocate Richard Blumenthal says UPS should refund customers for late deliveries

There’s nobody more qualified to point the finger of shame at a private company for failing to live up to service expectations than a U.S. Senator helping daily to add to a $17 trillion national debt who is also a staunch supporter of the Obamacare train wreck...

Climate change causes record low number of tornadoes in 2013

According to Climate Depot, 2013 shattered the record for the fewest U.S. tornadoes. 2012′s tally was well below normal as well...

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