Thursday, December 5, 2013


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
ObamaCare Bombshells Persist
Barack Obama's latest attempt at distraction is his renewed focus on wealth inequality and class warfare.  This is nothing more than a painfully obvious attempt to distract us from the continuously terrible news associated with ObamaCare. When I say “continuously terrible,” that is an understatement.  It is down-right awful.  Every single day, we don't just get stories but we get bombshell revelations about the latest failures associated with ObamaCare. You can visit for a complete rundown but last night on Hannity we broke the news that Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has just one face-to-face meeting with Barack Obama in the three and a half years leading up to the launch of ObamaCare.  This analysis from the Government Accountability Institute points out that the president held 277 private meetings with other Cabinet secretaries, but the person in charge of implementing his chief legislative achievement apparently didn't make the cut.

Harry Reid Doesn’t Care
Harry Reid has decided that some of his staff will remain exempt from entering into ObamaCare exchanges.  Some of Reid's staffers will be allowed to remain on their federal insurance plans, unlike every other congressional leader in Washington including Nancy Pelosi.  In case you haven't heard, ObamaCare currently lacks the ability to pay insurers.  They managed to build a website that is currently incapable of calculating how much the government owes insurers.  The solution?  Insurance companies are going to just make up numbers and submit them to the government manually.  Eventually they will figure out the tab.  Some are calling this a bailout of the insurance companies that will still get paid despite the system being broken. As a taxpayer, how do you feel about the fact that up to $11,378 per year could be spent for every member of Congress and their staffs to purchase health insurance plans that cover abortions?  Just thought you should know how some of your tax dollars are being spent.
God Supports ObamaCare
Well, I guess the debate over ObamaCare is settled.  There's nothing more that we could really say and we must just accept it.  Why?  Because God says so.  That's according to MSNBC's Ed Schultz who has declared that God approves of ObamaCare.  He says, “I’ll tell you what I think God thinks of the Affordable Care Act: it’s a big amen.” I didn't realize that Schultz had a direct line to Him.  How lucky is he? In all seriousness, this just shows how desperate liberals have become to support this failed law.  While God may be the most absurd example yet, Democrats have ratcheted up their comparisons in recent days. In a speech yesterday Barack Obama compared the challenges associated with signing up for ObamaCare with women's suffrage, the civil rights movement and union organization.  I mean, seriously?  For those who have fought valiantly for these causes, I would be perturbed by the president equating their efforts with his failed law.  I expect that these ridiculous comparisons will continue, just as we've seen happen time and time again.  Remember the snowball of Armageddon hyperventilation over sequestration?  A similar propaganda blitz has been launched once again.  It's what Democrats do.  When they don't have facts or logic on their side, they sell false promises and scare-mongering to a low-information public.

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums
Minimum Wage Stupidity - Posted by Altaire1013

Why are we trying to eliminate entry level jobs? Why do some stupid people believe that a no skilled, high school student, fast food worker should be paid the same as a highly skilled mechanic or low level manager? ABSURD! If you have done NOTHING to improve your skills and gain the knowledge required to earn a decent living, why should companies be forced to pay you as if you had? If you dropped out of high school and did not bother to do anything to gain a useable skill, you have no right to complain about low wages. The opportunity is available for nearly everybody to gain a skill. If you want to be well paid, give companies a skill that they demand. Nearly everybody can do this. At least attempt to take care of yourself before demanding others take care of you. It just takes a little work.

 >>TV Tonight (10PM ET on Fox News) 
Reince Priebus weighs in on ObamaCare!

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