Friday, January 24, 2014



Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter

Update: Cuomo, De Blasio & Cardinal Dolan
It's been one week since New York governor Andrew Cuomo made his disparaging remarks about conservatives. The controversy isn't dying down. As a reminder, here were Cuomo's original remarks: "Their problem is not me and democrats, their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives, who are right to life, pro assault weapon, anti-gay, is that who they are? Because if that is who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York. Because that is not who New Yorkers are."

That sparked many, including yours truly, to become upset by the notion that we are unwanted in our own home state because of our "extreme" conservative values. Unfortunately for the governor, we don't have to endure that type of rhetoric and have the option of
leaving places like New York, as almost two million have done over the last decade. At some point in the future, I will do the same.

Wendy Davis and Her Supporters
Texas state senator Wendy Davis became a liberal media darling after her 12 hour filibuster over a bill limiting abortions in her state. She is now running for governor of Texas, but her run thus far has been ripe with controversy. The Dallas Morning News revealed this week that Davis' personal story isn't exactly accurate. Davis has built her career - and much of her gubernatorial campaign - on her personal story of being a teenage single mother who worked her way into Harvard and then on to a successful career in politics. The only problem for Davis is that the story turns out to be embellished, inaccurate, untrue or however you want to characterize it. Her schooling was paid for by her lawyer husband, whom she then divorced and granted custody of her kids.

The liberal media reaction to the story has been mostly mum. Compare that to any Republican, like Marco Rubio for instance, where the media will go to painstaking efforts to publicly correct supposedly ambiguous portions of their bio. They will call into question their integrity and trustworthiness...


Which Parody Song do you like Best?
Lynda, Sean's incredible producer, has put together three parody songs that Sean played on the air. Which one do you think is best?

Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums:
Gov. Cuomo and the mortgage crisis. Did he cause it...? - Cratic3947 I heard an interesting comment from Dick Morris while he was on Greta's show the other day. He said that as the when Cuomo was housing sec under Clinton he forced Fannie and Freddie to increase low income loans from 41 to 49%, thus adding a lot of extra risk to the mortgage market and thus causing the crash....

>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 10pm ET):
onight a powerful studio audience joins 'Hannity' to weigh in on hot topics -- from celebrity meltdowns to the Super Bowl -- we'll cover it all.

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