Monday, January 20, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
S.T.O.P. Resolution
Rep. Tom Rice (SC-7) and Rep. Jim Bridenstine (OK-1) joined SEan in the second hour of Monday's program to discuss a resolution they've introduced called S.T.O.P. The S.T.O.P. Resolution would direct the House to sue the President for refusing to enforce our country's laws. Rice cites Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution entitled, "Presidential Responsibilities", which states that the President "shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed." However, President Obama has chosen to ignore some of the laws written by Congress. Rep. Bridenstine who is a co-sponsor of the bill explained that the President has repeatedly ignored this Constitutionally-mandated duty, that include: 1. His one-year extension of the "substandard" insurance policies. 2. His one-year delay in Obamacare's employer mandate. 3. Granting deferred removal action to illegal immigrants. 4. His waiver of the welfare work requirement under TANF.

If you want to get involved in the resolution to STOP the President's clear overreach, please click here.
Welfare Cash Being Spent in Disney World and Hawaii
It's hard to believe that people who are so desperate that they are collecting welfare would have the funds to take a vacation. But are your tax dollars being spent by welfare recipients at Disney World and in Hawaii?

The Department of Health and Human Services in Maine analyzed the data of welfare users in its state and found that millions have been spent in other states including New Hampshire, New York, Florida, California and Hawaii. Transactions were also made in Puerto Rico and Las Vegas.

Among some of the more specific examples were EBT cards from Maine being used to access $500 in welfare cash from an ATM in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, which is Walt Disney World Resorts. Other transactions took place in Cape Canaveral and in various beaches along the Florida coast.

In other words, your tax dollars are not being used to help feed poor families who have fallen on hard times but to fund beach trips and Disney World vacations for welfare recipients. I'm sure many of you hard-working taxpayers would like other taxpayers to fund your next vacation! (article)
Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums:
MIT report: US tried to go to war in Syria based on faulty intelligence - Posted by
A new MIT report shows that the chemical attack near Damascus could not have originated from the locations claimed in US government reports because the range of the weapons was too short. The estimated range of the chemical weapons was only about 2 km, but the US government claimed that the attack originated in government-held areas at least 5 km away. In addition, the report shows that the design of the munitions were consistent with the capabilities of the Syrian rebels.
>>TV Tonight (10pm ET on Fox News)
Producer Harvey Weinstein made his fortune off violent action flicks, so why is his new film taking aim at the NRA? Sean exposes the Hollywood hypocrisy!

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