Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Conservative Solutions Caucus 2014: Healthcare
The Conservative Solutions Caucus 2014 continues with our discussion on healthcare. From this day forward, all of the cynics, all the naysayers - they're going to have to confront the reality of what ObamaCare is and what it isn't. They'll have to finally acknowledge what this is, simply a government takeover of our healthcare system. People are critical of me all the time for not giving solutions.  I have a solution!  Let's let competition and individual health savings accounts work together to let the marketplace dictate health insurance costs and coverage.  Americans have a viable, affordable and free-market solution to the healthcare crisis we currently face. It can put OUR healthcare choices back in OUR hands as opposed to some government bureaucrat's. What a novel idea. For more on how we can really reform healthcare, check out the Conservative Solutions 2014 section of!
War on Poverty
It's been 50 years since President Johnson launched the War on Poverty.  What do we have to show for it?  Unfortunately, not a lot. We've spent upwards of $20 trillion since 1965 on this "war."  We now spend nearly $1 trillion every year to fight poverty.  About 100 million Americans receive some sort of means-tested aid, which means we are spending about $9,000 per recipient in America. All of the spending has amounted to virtually no change in the level of poverty in America, which stands at about 15 percent.  Perhaps liberals are OK with this increase in government dependency but I believe the American people are capable of more. There are a lot of Americans who are suffering right now.  This is not because of rich people, as liberals would have you believe, but because we've lost the foundations for self-sufficiency and replaced them with a misguided belief that government should provide for us.  While government is there for those who absolutely cannot provide for themselves, or those who temporarily fall on hard times, it's dangerous to build a permanent class of Americans who are reliant on government for their way of life.
Gates Memoir Rocks Washington
Excerpts of the forthcoming memoir, "Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War," of former Defense Secretary Robert Gates has shaken much of Washington, particularly the Obama administration, mainly because it is a scathing look into the inner workings of the Obama administration. For example, on the troop surge in Afghanistan, Gates describes Obama as "skeptical if not outright convinced it would fail."  He says the president "doesn't believe in his own strategy, and doesn't consider the war to be his. For him, it's all about getting out." Hillary Clinton also appears in the book.  In an exchange Gates describes as "remarkable," he writes: "Hillary told the president that her opposition to the [2007] surge in Iraq had been political because she was facing him in the Iowa primary. . . . The president conceded vaguely that opposition to the Iraq surge had been political. To hear the two of them making these admissions, and in front of me, was as surprising as it was dismaying." Needless to say, the stinging critique couldn't have come at a worse time for an administration that is already sorely lacking in trust in the eyes of the American people.
Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums
The Supreme Court Has An Opportunity To Tweak The Viability Line - Posted by Safiel
The Supreme Court is having its first conference of 2014 on Friday, January 10. The list of Petitions for review includes Horne v Isaacson.  This presents the court the opportunity to substantially roll back Planned Parenthood v Casey. But will they take this case on at all??? I think the odds fall right now slightly in favor of a denial of certiorari. If they take this case, they are opening a major can of worms. While the conservatives on the court may not like it, they probably are going to have trouble gaining that much of a rollback of Planned Parenthood v Casey. It will be very interesting if they do take it. If the court does grant certiorari, there is a chance it could be heard during the April sitting and decided by June.

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