Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
ObamaCare Remains A Disaster
Despite what Obama, Democrats and much of the liberal media would like you to believe, ObamaCare remains a disaster. Its impacts continue to hurt Americans, businesses and ultimately our economy.

A brand new report from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services finds that 11 million small business employees can expect their premium costs to rise because of ObamaCare. That represents 65% of small businesses that will see an increase in insurance premium costs. Don't expect the media to report news like this. According to Newsbusters, as of Tuesday evening the news of this report had failed to make the coverage cut for any of the networks.

This represents yet another broken promise from Barack Obama and the Democrats. ObamaCare was supposed to lower the cost of healthcare. For families, it was supposed to lower it by as much as $2,500. Instead we are seeing families and businesses take it in the teeth, paying the price for this liberal healthcare ideology.

Another report released today by Fox News finds that "security experts worried that 35 state health exchange websites were vulnerable to hackers and were rated as 'high risk' for security problems before ObamaCare's launch." You can read more about the report here, which Fox describes as "a frenzied behind-the-scenes juggling act by officials and contractors as the Oct. 1 deadline for new health insurance exchanges loomed"...(continued)
Highlight Of The Day
We're excited to announce the 'Hannity' Highlight of the Day which launched today on Each weekday we'll post a new segment from Sean's television show. Today's Hannity Highlight is Sean's interview with Rand Paul about the 'growing pains' in the Republican Party. The lawmaker discusses what lies ahead for the GOP. To check it out click here.
Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums:
United States Navy outlook - Safiel
The Navy is not taking the same hit that the other services are experiencing, but they are not getting away scott free either. The Navy will lay up 11 cruisers until they receive their mid life modernization, freeing up crews for use on other hulls. Destroyers and Virginia class attack submarines will continue to be built at the pace of two per year.
>>TV Tonight (10PM ET on Fox News)
The economic crisis and struggle to survive! The filmmakers behind 'American Winter' join Sean.

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