Friday, February 28, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
President Obama vs. The Constitution
Many Americans feels like our country is at a tipping point.  Barack Obama has managed to tip the balance of power so far towards the executive branch that many people wonder if a balance can ever be restored. Let me remind you of a recent Fox News poll where 74 percent of respondents thought the president is overstepping his Constitutional boundaries.  That includes 54% of Democrats! Keep in mind that America was founded on this principle of three co-equal branches of government.  It was set up that way to maintain a crucial, yet fragile, balance of power.  Maintaining that balance is key because it ensures that our system is properly checking itself and that one branch cannot abuse the others or the rights of the people. 
Constitutional Tipping Point
This week Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley testified before Congress.  He warned of the dangers of Obama's accelerated usurpation of power, at the expense of the other branches and ultimately the American people.  For years under the Obama administration, we have seen more examples of Obama acting unilaterally to change laws or simply refusing to enforce laws.  This is a perversion of his role within the executive branch.  He's failed to enforce laws such as DOMA or immigration laws.  He's also used executive actions to change immigration policies, drug offender policies.  Not to mention the countless times he's acted unilaterally to simply change or delay parts of ObamaCare.
Where's Congress?
Obama vowed to use his phone and pen to effect change.  This is exactly the dictator or king-like mentality that our Founders feared.  Amazingly enough, when Obama vowed to take action unilaterally when Congress fails to act, Congress stood up and cheered this concept during the latest State of the Union address.  They cheered!  What Congress and all of us need to remember is that the presidency is bigger than just one man.  Preserving the integrity of the institution is more important for America than supporting Barack Obama in his quest to implement liberal utopian policies.  As Professor Turley said on Hannity, Obama is not going to be the last president.  What will all of these cheering Congressional members say when it is the other party in the White House? We've become so polarized and hyper-partisan that we fight vigorously to win the political battle du jour at the risk of allowing our Founding principles to erode.  This isn't about Democrats or Republicans.  The power grab that is currently happening by Obama and the executive branch is about maintaining the integrity of our system of government.

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums: Obama Warns Russia - Posted by Cratic 3947Obama warns Russia about Ukraine, but no one cares what Obama says anymore... Syria, Benghazi, and lies about obama care. Everyone knows he just reads the teleprompter and then goes golfing. Perhaps if Russia were the Tea party, he would do something to stop them.
>>TV Tonight (10pm ET on Fox News)
Hannity examines Obama's impact on American policy and why we're at a tipping point.

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