Monday, March 3, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Obama's Fantasy Foreign Policy
Just a few weeks ago, the American people indicated that they no longer believed that Barack Obama was respected by other world leaders. Fast-forward to today and the latest in the crisis unfolding in Ukraine and it's easy to see why Americans believe this to be the case.

Democrats are immediately coming to the defense of the president. Rep. Chris Van Hollen, for example, wants everyone to focus their condemnation on Putin, rather than criticizing Barack Obama. That's all well-and-good, but the fact is that Obama's failed foreign policy and Russian-reset have allowed for this to occur. Now that it is happening, we also lack the credibility to stop it, which is also a failure of Obama.

It is so bad that even the Washington Post is saying that Obama's foreign policy is "based on fantasy." In Sunday's editorial, The Post writes: "For five years, President Obama has led a foreign policy based more on how he thinks the world should operate than on reality." It goes on to set John Kerry straight for his comments that Russian's invasion of Ukraine is "a 19th century act in the 21st century." Like it or not, Putin's 19th century actions are really happening in the 21st century. Here are some of the latest updates on where things stand with the situation in Ukraine...more
Republicans Right On Russia?
There have been a few examples over the last few years of Republicans warning of the dangers of Russia. These warnings were met with the condescending criticism of liberals who believed them to be out of touch. Now who's looking foolish?

During one of the presidential debates in 2012, Mitt Romney warned that Russia was a geo-political foe and Obama had a catchy comeback that liberals went gaga over: "The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because...the cold war's been over for 20 years." Time and time again, Obama has all the fancy rhetoric and catchy slogans but is completely naïve as to reality. Clearly it was Romney and not Obama who read the cards right in terms of Russia's true nature and its capabilities.

Back in the 2008 campaign, Sarah Palin actually warned of the possibility of Russia invading Ukraine next, in the context of Russia's invasion of Georgia at the time. Naturally, liberals mocked and ridiculed her prediction as strange and far-fetched. Now who's foreign policy predictions are looking far-fetched?

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