Friday, April 11, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
This Is Your Government
Washington has gone crazy with environmental protection.  I'm an outdoorsman, I love and cherish the land that God has created for us but sometimes you need to allow common sense to take root.  Out in Central California, if you'll remember, there was the case of the delta smelt, which I covered extensively on 'Hannity'.  This was the situation where California ranchers were deep in a dangerous drought and officials wouldn't release water from a reserve dam because it would endanger the delta smelt, a small fish.  There's the infamous case of the spotted owl, of course.  We have now also, the latest, which is the case of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy who has recently had his cattle seized for trespassing on State land which has no real use for the Federal Government.  Why?  To protect the desert tortoise, which, as friends of mine in the ranching industry have told me, wouldn't be in danger at all by a herd of cattle.  Look at this in total, we have a government that is illegally spying on Americans with regularity, an IRS harassing political opponents and now they're taking American's private property.  This is your government today.    

Cliven Bundy
I enjoyed spending some time with Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy today.  It's clear that this 67 year old has worked hard to carve out a tough living.  What got me when I talked with him was when he talked about the Constitution.  When I mentioned to him that Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval was supporting Cliven, he told me, "What the Governor needs to do is tell the United States to quit acting like they have unlimited power."  I'm worried this situation is going to go really badly and it's up to us to keep a close eye on this situation.  For the latest on this and to hear my interview with Cliven Bundy later this weekend, stop by
Today’s “Hot Topic” From the Hannity Forums
Absolutely Hilarious House Resolution!- Posted by Aep1974
Well, this one isn't so much complex as it is utterly ridiculous that it's gone on this long!! Whereas, in 1802; Whereas, in 1949; Whereas, in 1955; Whereas in 1967; Whereas, in 1969; Whereas, in 1976; Whereas, in 1984; Whereas, in October 1990; Whereas in November 1990; Whereas, in October 1992; Whereas, in 2003; Whereas, in 2009; Whereas, in 2012; Whereas, in June 2012..... And they still haven't done anything! Why am I not surprised? The resolution talks about having the federal government adopt the accrual basis of GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) as that would provide a clearer picture of its finances, including shortfalls. It would also make it much easier for the layman (i.e., normal everyday citizens) to understand the numbers and therefore hold the government accountable. As such, nothing has been done about it since it was first proposed in 1955!!!

>>TV Tonight (10pm ET on Fox News)  
 Sean reacts to the Sebelius resignation plus the latest on Cliven Bundy's situation.  

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