Friday, April 18, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
The Path to Prosperity
Congressman Dr. Tom Price of Atlanta and Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin joined Sean to discuss their budget proposal, The House Republican Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Resolution. The House Republican budget cuts spending by $5.1 trillion over the next ten years. It targets wasteful Washington spending and reforms the largest drivers of debt. A few points about what their proposed budget will achieve that both Congressmen touched on with Sean today:

- Expand opportunity by growing the economy.
- Provide our troops the training, compensation, and support they need.
- Repeal ObamaCare to clear the way for patient-centered reform.
- Provide families with a fair, simple tax code to boost wages and create jobs.
- Secure seniors' retirement by strengthening Medicare and other vital programs.
- Strengthen the safety net and help people get back on their feet.
- Restore fairness by cutting spending and combatting cronyism.

You can listen to Sean's entire radio interview with both Congressmen by clicking here.
On The Lighter Side
I wanted to take just a moment to thank my friend Terry Fator for stopping by the show. We get caught up in all of the seriousness of the battles we're fighting to defend America's future that it's refreshing to take a moment and laugh. I want to wish Terry the very best as he starts off on his new tour! Take a look at this quick video we shot of Terry's visit including a great rendition of Elton John! You can listen to the entire radio interview by clicking here.
>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 10pm ET):
Don't miss Sean's powerful interviews with religious icons and witness how much their spirit and leadership can teach us.

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