Friday, April 25, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Texas Next?
The Bundy standoff in Nevada with the Bureau of Land Management has many Americans questioning the overreach of government and the constitutionality of the government taking/owning land that isn't for a specific federal purpose. Could the BLM be aiming for Texas be next?

The Bundy case may not be the last we've seen from the Bureau of Land Management. As Ben Shapiro writes today in his column, "Like Bundy or not, his situation will not be the last of its kind, so long as the federal government insists on its ever-growing authority, and so long as states and localities refuse to stand up for their citizens."

Now, the federal government is eyeing 90,000 acres along the Red River lands in Texas. The Attorney General of Texas Greg Abbott wrote a letter to the head of the Bureau of Land Management expressing his concern and asking the department for answers. Keep in mind that the head of this department is a man by the name of Neil Kornze, who used to work for none other than Harry Reid.

Abbott states in his letter...(continued)
Outrageous: Nancy Pelosi
Democrats love to use hyperbole in order to demonize conservatives. Nancy Pelosi is a repeat offender, and her latest example is a doozie.

Liberals love to remind America that conservatives supposedly want dirty air and water for our nation. They want children with autism and down-syndrome to "fend for themselves." They want to push granny off the cliff. Do any of those ridiculous statements ring a bell?

Nancy Pelosi is adding to the list. She recently tweeted the following: "Over 50% of food stamp recipients are people of color. The #GOPbudget takes food out of their mouths."

So there you have it. Now the Republicans are taking the food out of the mouths of minorities. Does anybody even take Nancy Pelosi seriously anymore when she comes out with lines like this? These exaggerations have become cliché and tiresome. She's a walking liberal talking point...(continued)
>>TV Tonight (10PM ET on Fox News)
Candace Cameron Bure talks 'Dancing with the Stars'

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