Monday, May 5, 2014


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Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for May 5th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

WH Correspondents Dinner: Nancy Pelosi plays part of Harry Reid to deliver incredibly bad Koch brothers ‘joke’

The Pelosi scene was awkward from the start, with Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Joe Biden walking in on Nancy while she was getting her weekly forearm Botox injections...

Imagine the MSM headlines if Condi Rice were on the Left

Condoleezza Rice has decided not to deliver the commencement speech at Rutgers (or maybe “forced to back out” is a better way to put it) after some students and faculty protested her support for the Iraq war...

Benghazi amnesia: Would the IRS accept ‘dude, that was two years ago’ as a response during a tax audit?

The issue of the Benghazi attack was given a punk-ish dismissal Thursday by the Obama administration’s former National Security Council spokesman, Tommy Vietor...

More From the Right Side of the Web

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