Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
GOP on the Rise
A new USA TODAY/Pew Research Center poll released this week shows that Republicans are poised to do very well in the midterm election. USA Today describes the poll as showing "the strongest tilt to Republican candidates at this point in a midterm year in at least two decades."

Here's another stat that should worry Obama and the Democrats: "By more than 2-1, 65%-30%, Americans want the president elected in 2016 to pursue different policies and programs than the Obama administration, rather than similar ones."

Obama's approval rating also remains upside down and Americans are unhappy with the current direction of the country. In fact, "By 43%-39%, Americans say following the economic policies of Republican congressional leaders would do more to strengthen the economy over the next few years than following the policies of the Obama administration." That should be very troubling for Democrats, but now it is up to Republicans to live up the voters' expectations...(continued)
Benghazi Select Committee
It's taken a while, but we are finally getting a House select committee that will investigate the terrorist attack in Benghazi. South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy will chair that committee, House Speaker John Boehner announced yesterday. House leadership will vote this week to create the panel.

As the spotlight has turned once again to Benghazi, Democrats are pushing back harder than ever before. They've done their best to characterize the latest uptick in scrutiny as partisan political theatre. They've attempted to belittle this as simply an illegitimate, exhaustive exercise in oversight, which is fueled by something far more sinister than getting to the bottom of the truth. David Plouffe's appearance on ABC's This Week is a prime example of how they are actively working to convince the American people that this isn't a real news story and is simply Republican conspiracies or delusions run amok...continued.
>>TV Tonight (10PM ET on Fox News)
Gridiron greats Joe Namath and Joe Theismann preview the 2014 NFL Draft.

AntiVirus Isn't Dead, Just Unprofitable
Did Symantec just tell its customers that they’ve been paying for an obsolete product?
Ukraine Kills 30 Pro-Russian Insurgents, Donetsk Airport Closed
Oleksandr Turchynov, Ukraine’s acting president, dismissed the head of Odessa's regional administration on Tuesday after the fatal riot.
4 Arrested In South Korean Ferry Disaster
South Korean prosecutors say the employees overloaded the Sewol with cargo, which they contend is one of the reasons the ferry sank.
Six Wounded After Chinese Slashing Spree
One suspect was shot and a second suspect was caught after a brief chase.
Bayer Paying $14.2B For Merck's Consumer Care Business
The definitive agreement comes as pharmaceutical companies struggle against the growing market share of generic medicines.

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