Monday, May 5, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
US Funding Hamas Fox News is sharing a story that The Palestinian Authority will send 3,000 police officers to Gaza as part of a unity agreement with Hamas.  What this essentially means is that The PLA is effectively taking $400 million a year in US funds and supplying Hamas indirectly.  While this is pretty clearly against US policy, Secretary of State John Kerry has remained silent on this. Information is still unfolding but President Obama’s response needs to be strong here.  We are not in the business of hurting our allies, namely Israel, by empowering terrorist organizations that are set on destroying them.  If we don’t have a swift and clear response, we could set back US-Israeli relations’ decades.  Hopefully, the Obama White House is paying attention. 
US Government Regulation Is The World’s 10th Largest Economy
According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the cost of government regulations in the United States is so large that when added up, it is bigger than the economies of all but nine countries in the world. Regulations have grown rapidly during the Obama administration and now cost our economy an astounding $1.86 trillion a year. To put that into perspective, the entire GDP of Canada is $1.82 trillion.  The report also finds that, “On a per-household basis, federal regulatory costs average $14,974, which is more than the typical household spends on just about anything else. When regulatory costs are combined with federal spending, Washington's share of the economy rises to an eye-popping 31%.” Our economy cannot survive forever as regulations grow more burdensome.
The "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums: Town of Greece vs Galloway Decided - Posted by Safiel
Justice Kennedy writes for the majority, consisting of himself, the Chief Justice, Justice Alito and with the exception of Part II-B of the opinion, by Justice Scalia and Justice Thomas, but both concur fully in the judgment. The Second Circuit is reversed. HELD: The Town of Greece's prayer practice does not violate the establishment clause. The gist of the majority opinion is that the Establishment clause must be interpreted in keeping with historical precedents and understandings. For example, the First Congress, which wrote the First Amendment, hired Chaplains for each House and so on.

 >>TV Tonight (10PM ET on Fox News)
Senator Rand Paul discusses the Benghazi committee.  

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