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Climate Change Hysteria
This week the administration
flashed a shiny new object at the American people and the media: climate
change! They released a doom-and-gloom report,
warning that floods, wildfires and droughts are coming our way if we don't take
immediate actions.The report is supposed to prepare our nation for changes such
as rising sea levels, but I thought Obama's nomination to be the Democratic
candidate for president meant that "this was the moment when the rise of the
oceans began to slow, and our planet began to heal"? So much for that, I suppose. I'd like to point out that the issue of
climate change is near the bottom of concerns among the American people. Yet the administration, with help from the
mainstream media, has succeeded in making us all talk about it. First they come up with these doom-and-gloom
predictions, which I'm sure many Americans view skeptically. After all, it wasn't long ago when we were
being warned that the ice age was coming.
Then The Absurd
Then, from the absurd we
absolutely ridiculous comments from politicians like Harry Reid. Harry Reid has been a crusader again the Koch
Brothers, using virtually any opportunity to demonize them and turn them into
boogeymen. Reid took the climate change
opportunity to do more of the same. This week Senator Reid outright blamed the Koch Brothers for being a
"main cause" of global warming because of their oil business holdings. Powerline blog points out that Reid's "logic"
doesn't hold if you apply it to the Democrats' top donor, Tom Steyer, who
develops coal mines and coal-fired power plants abroad. If Reid wants to be upset about creating
pollution, perhaps he should start with Steyer.
According to an RNC memo, Steyer is essentially
holding Senate Democrats hostage, threatening to spend heavily against their
re-election if they vote for the Keystone Pipeline. Why is Steyer doing this? Because he's invested in oil and gas companies
that would be direct competitors with the Keystone Pipeline. Clearly we know that much of this isn't
really about climate change, and it's all about political posturing.
Breaking the Cycle
Barack Obama has overseen
the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression. A new analysis by the Senate Budget Committee found that "despite adding more than 8 million
people to the working-age population since 2007, total employment has declined
by half a million." We aren't creating enough new jobs to keep up with
population growth! Then we have another study by the Brookings Institute, which found that "the American economy is less
entrepreneurial now than at any point in the last three decades." More
businesses are shutting down compared to businesses being created. That's not a good thing for our economy and
jobs. Conservative solutions could break
the cycle, if only Democrats and big government would get out of the way.
>>TV Tonight (10PM ET on Fox News)
Tonight Rep. Darrell Issa on holding Lois Lerner in contempt. |
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