Friday, June 6, 2014


Michelle Malkin 28
Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for June 6th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

Newest spin: Maybe Bergdahl’s platoon was full of ‘psychopaths’ and he reacted like any sane person would

I think I’ve finally figured out how the Obama administration operates. They wait to see what Susan Rice says on Sunday shows, and then try to fashion reality around her claims...

More From the Right Side of the Web

Townhall: Poll: Vast majority fears Bergdahl deal incentivizes hostage-taking, Obama approval slumps

3pm Update


Top Stories

Hinds County Courthouse

Hinds DA to further investigate after 3 locked inside courthouse

The Hinds County district attorney agrees to further investigate an incident in which three tea party members were locked inside the...
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Morgan Freeman on CNN

Charles Evers responds to Morgan Freeman's comments on race

Actor Morgan Freeman's comments on race continue to be a big talker.
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Matthew Leach

Mug shots: June arrests

Check out mug shots of people who have been arrested in connection with this month's big stories.
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Athletes work to beat the heat

Athletes battle heat in summer workouts

More than 100 children battle each other and the heat Thursday during an early football camp.
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Police: Men posing as MBN agents kill man

Police arrest seven people in connection with a shooting that killed a Sharkey County man.
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Southwest's last flight out of Jackson set for Saturday

Southwest Airline's last flight out of Jackson will leave Saturday night.     
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Jackson, MS

High:92° f Low: 72° f Chance of a Thunderstorm
Forecast >>

Hot Story


Most expensive musicians to book

Have you ever wondered how much it costs to book your favorite musicians to play at your party? Take a...
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Viral Video


Woman accused of leaving infant in car to order drinks at local bar

Woman accused of leaving infant in car to order drinks at local bar

A woman was arrested after being accused of leaving her 2-month-old baby in a car while she tried to order...
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Sexy tennis stars

Maria Sharapova, 2014 French Open quarterfinals
Gonzalo Fuentes/Reuters
Check out some players who get attention for more than just their tennis game.
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u Local


Check out fun summer photos on u local

u local: Laf
Summer is winding down, show us how you're celebrating the end of summer on u local.
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