Monday, June 23, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Kerry to Baghdad as ISIS Spreads
Secretary of State John Kerry is in Baghdad, meeting with Iraqi government leaders as ISIS continues to gain strength in the region. Kerry says that ISIS poses “a threat to Iraq, the region and the world.” Will the government in Iraq change in order to address minority concerns? It's possible, and it seems clear that the U.S. would be OK with that, but Kerry continued to echo Obama in asserting that this was the Iraqi's issue to decide. A senior Arab diplomat was briefed on a call that took place between American officials and Sunni Arab leaders, and he says they felt Americans were “greatly misinformed. The insurgency isn't just about ISIS, but Sunnis fighting back against injustice." It seems as though ISIS is achieving its goal of breaking down borders, particularly between Syria and Iraq and creating its desired regional caliphate. Syrian rebels are now reportedly using American Humvees that were seized in Iraq when ISIS took control of Mosul. Since ISIS took Mosul just weeks ago,reports are that they are “turning the clock back” hundreds of years by imposing Sharia law at its extreme. A 16-point document outlining the new rules prohibits “the selling and consumption of alcohol and drugs as well as smoking, and forbade gatherings and carrying weapons. Women are to wear non-revealing clothes and keep to their homes, while 'shrines' are to be destroyed.”
ISIS Goes Global?
In this new age of social media, ISIS' “brand” has gone global. T-shirts and hoodies are being sold on Facebook and online sporting sayings like "Mujahideen Around the World/ United We Stand" and "I Love Jihad." The American public remains mixed on our obligation to Iraq and how we should become involved. According to a New York Times/CBS News poll , 42% of Americans believe we have a responsibility to do something to help Iraq overcome the ISIS insurgency. However, 50% of Americans say we do not have an obligation. There are mixed feelings as to whether growing instability in Iraq would lead to the possibility of terrorism in the United States. A plurality of Americans (41%) believe Obama is properly addressing the situation, compared with 29% of Americans who believe we should be doing more to help and 22% who say we should do less. While Americans may not be sure whether civil war in Iraq will result in the increased chance for terrorism to spread to the United States, we will certainly pay for it at the gas pump. AAA reports that gas prices have risen for the past nine days and prices are expected to rise throughout the summer as turmoil persists.
Should we be in a panic over global warming?
New evidence shows that climate records published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have been manipulated, which has led to the exaggeration of temperatures in recent decades. Rather than using real temperature data, scientists have allegedly been using fabricated computer model data to enhance the narrative of the Earth warming dramatically in recent decades. The truth is that the hottest decade on record was actually the 1930s, and the Earth has been cooling ever since. Remember in the 1970s when TIME Magazine warned of the coming ice age? Yet liberal politicians boldly state that the science is settled and calls anyone who doubts the merits of global warming a "denier." How can the science be settled if it's simply made up?

>>TV Tonight (10pm ET on Fox News)
Tonight the latest developments on the U.S. involvement in Iraq. Plus Edward Klein talks about this new book. And Phil Robertson's nephew, Zach Dasher, opens up about his race for Congress.

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