Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Worse Than 9/11?
The situation in Iraq is becoming even more complicated as Iran and Syria insert their military power into the mix.
The New York Times reports, "Iran is flying unarmed surveillance drones over Iraq from an airfield in Baghdad and is secretly supplying Iraq with tons of military equipment, supplies and other assistance, American officials said. Tehran has also deployed a unit there to intercept communications, the officials said."

Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss confirms that Iran is "playing in a big way" in Iraq, competing with the United States for influence over the Iraqi government. Iran is said to be conducting virtual parallel missions in Iraq with the United States, though we not working in concert. Clearly the idea of working with Iran and its military is troubling for Americans.

Meanwhile, Iran is supporting the opposite side of the United States in Syria, where Iran supports the Assad regime. The Assad regime is now carrying out military strikes in Iraq.

What is all of this leading to? Nowhere good, if not handled properly. Dick Cheney was on Hannity last night and addressed his recent comments in which he predicted another attack "far deadlier than [9/11]" within the decade. Based on ISIS' supposed goals and the comments by its leader, that feels like a reality now more than ever.

We are seeing the "huge mistake" unravel before our very eyes. Victor Davis Hanson has a scathing piece today, "Obama's World Disorder." He lays out this administration's missteps and hypocrisy, and he expresses his belief that "Americans did not fully appreciate the costly postwar global order that the United States had established over the last seventy years." He goes on to say, "Maybe they will start to as they witness it vanish."
Smidgen Of Corruption
Barack Obama told us that he believes there is not a "smidgen of corruption" related to the IRS targeting of tea party conservatives.

Looks like the public disagrees.

According to the latest Fox News polling, 76% of Americans believe that the government deliberately destroyed Lois Lerner's emails. "That suspicion is shared across party lines ... An overwhelming 90 percent of Republicans think the emails were intentionally destroyed, as do 74 percent of independents and 63 percent of Democrats." The top official for the National Archives testified this week that the IRS "did not follow the law" in handling Lois Lerner's emails.

Despite what the president says, there is corruption throughout virtually every part of this scandal.

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