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Breaking News
It's one of those days, and not because I don't understand the magnitude
of the tragedy that happened over the skies of The Ukraine, but I'm
frustrated with all the media coverage that's just not getting this
story right.What we know is that Malaysian Flight 17 carrying 280
passengers and 15 crew members was shot down in Eastern Ukraine, about
15 kilometers from the Russian border.Several reports
have suggested the Russian government has already seized the crash
site.We don't know exactly who shot this plane down or how many people
were killed and it's not clear if there were any American citizens
on-board.It appears there may be as many as 23 American citizens.What's
amazing is our intelligence is so suspect that we can't confirm if the
plane's public manifest had Americans on it.There's a lot we don't know
about this situation and I'm committed to continuing efforts to get the
story right but suffice it to say, we have some serious issues in
Eastern Ukraine right now.
Border Breakdown
The current crisis on our southern border isn't because of violence in
Central America, as Democrats and the Obama administration would have
you believe.They are coming because they believe our immigration
policies will allow them to stay. Fox News' Catherine Herridge has the report
from the El Paso Intelligence Center, which works with the
Department of Homeland Security.According to the report, "Of the 230
migrants interviewed, 219 cited the primary reason for migrating to the
United States was the perception of U.S. immigration laws granting free
passes UAC (unaccompanied children) and adult females OTMs (other than
Mexicans) traveling with minors."What happens when these children make
it to these long-term facilities?A report from Breitbart shows that ads are now appearing in papers such as this one
in Murietta, California seeking "loving, compassionate parents to
provide a loving home" for these children.Supposedly, those who are
willing to take in these children could be paid up to $6,054 per month
by the federal government.I thought it was illegal to house an illegal
immigrant, but now the federal government allegedly may be encouraging
it? |
So How Do We Solve The Problem?
The debate ranges on in Washington about what to do about immigration
and the crisis at our borders. Democratic lawmakers like Nancy Pelosi
actually want to make it easier for immigrants beyond Central America to
gain refugee status. A spokesman for Pelosi told the LATimes
, "We should change the law to treat Mexican children the same as we
now treat children from Central America. But if any changes to the 2008
law are made, they must ensure due process for these children." While
Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats will refer to these children as
"refugees," she may be surprised to learn how many illegal immigrants
from Central America and Mexico actually gained official refugee status
with the American government last year: zero. According to a report from CNS News
, "In the seven fiscal years from 2007 through 2013, a mere five
Guatemalans and 25 Hondurans were granted refugee status in the United
States. During that time, zero citizens of El Salvador or Mexico were
granted refugee status despite increased violence in those countries in
recent years." And only a small percentage were granted asylum, similar
to refugee status. We need to secure the border first. We've got a real
problem, that has been aided by the presumption that people can just
walk across the border and be allowed to stay.
>>TV Tonight (10pm ET on Fox News)
Who is responsible for bringing down Malaysia Airlines MH17? Experts
analyze the breaking developments. Plus a look at how the president
responded to the catastrophe. And more on the missed warning signs. |
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