Friday, July 4, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Fundamentally Changing America
My friend, Allen West, made some really strong statements on today's holiday and I thought it was so powerful that I'd share that with you today, on Independence Day. West said yesterday on 'Hannity',"I know a lot of people say Happy Fourth of July but I want to say, Happy Independence Day because I think a lot of people have lost sight of what this day means. In this world we live in, 238 years later, we are not being governed by the consent of the people but rather, President Obama, is trying to rule us." West continued, "We are fundamentally altering the format of our government. President Obama, before his 2008 re-election, said that we're 'five days away from fundamentally changing America', but I'll ask what exactly he was changing from?" The bottom line is, as we spend our day celebrating with friends and family, we should take a moment to look back at the reasons why this great nation was formed in the first place. We need to get back to the fundamental reason America exists and that is to live under a government of the people, for the people and by the people. It's not the path we're on now, but it can be. If you haven't had a chance, check out Allen West's book, Guardian of the Republic which details just how we can save our country. 
Are We Really Free?
238 years ago the Founding Fathers placed in the Declaration of Independence a list of warnings and reasons why the colonists decided they had to leave Britain. Among those reasons, Thomas Jefferson wrote, "He [The King of Great Britain] has erected a multitude of new offices and has sent forth officers to harass our people and eat out their substance." Can anyone see this warning in the multitude of stories we've seen on the IRS scandals? Jefferson was warning us that the expansion of bureaucracy would ultimately destroy the industrious spirit of the American people. There's a reason why President Obama is among the most unpopular Presidents since World War II. The spirit of our country can be found in the spirit of those who spilled blood and risked everything to define it. Our spirit lives on in the words of the Declaration of Independence. What's bothering me this 4th of July is, sadly, I'm seeing freedom slipping away in America. There's an increasing dependency on government and an ever-growing Washington trying to control every aspect of our lives. I have to ask, are we really free?

Take A Few Minutes
I won't lecture you or try and make you feel guilty, especially on a holiday, but if you have a few minutes today or this weekend, check out the Declaration of Independence . Just take a moment to read the document and let its sense of purpose and clarity sink in.  238 years ago Americans felt oppressed by a government that thought itself blessed by some higher power to take from its citizens anything it wanted as if the people were mere pawns.  Popular opinion mattered not at all in colonial America and the rule of law was routinely and arbitrarily applied.  238 years later, it appears our America is in a similar place.  I won't say that we can't turn America around because I know we can and it can all start with the inspirational guidance provided in the hallowed words of our Declaration of Independence.

>>TV Tonight (10pm ET on Fox News)
Sean's exclusive interview with the Duck Dynasty crew.

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