Friday, August 29, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Lerner's Emails Aren't Missing
Remember the uproar over Lois Lerner's emails? Lerner was the head of the IRS Office of Exempt Organizations during the tea party targeting scandal. After waiting a year for her emails to be released, the administration finally admitted to Congress that the emails had been destroyed in a computer crash. IT experts and others found that hard to believe, but the line we were told is that Lerner's emails were gone.

Well now - surprise! - it turns out that Lerner's emails do exist!

The Justice Department told watchdog group Judicial Watch that they do, in fact, have copies of every electronic message ever sent from Lerner. Justice Department officials say the information would be hard to find, considering the significant size of the backup system. But the fact is that they do exist and that we were clearly lied to by this administration, yet again.  Another in a long line of scandals that has only served to cheat the American public.
Bailey Blog: August 28th
Michaela is Sean's Executive Assistant and writes a weekly blog on her adventures with her dog Bailey. You can tweet her @MichaelaStracar
I used to keep Bailey in a crate when I was at work. I did not trust him roaming around the apartment while I was not there. He was still trying to figure out the layout of the apartment, and I know he would have found a way to get into trouble with his wandering nose. I definitely did not want something to happen to him when I wasn't there to help. At first, crating Bailey was great because all he did was sleep.

On some afternoons, Sean would let me go home for lunch so that I could feed Bailey and take him for a walk. Seeing Bailey's reaction when I got home was priceless. He was so excited to see me that he would bark, cry, and run laps around the apartment just because I was there to be with him. Even months later, he still reacts the same way, which makes me so happy to see that he's excited to see me come home every night. It was always painful putting Bailey back in his more

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