Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Withheld Benghazi Documents?
Sharyl Attkisson has a special report at the Daily Signal, which claims that aides to Hillary Clinton at the State Department engaged in a scrubbing of documents related to Benghazi before they were turned over to the Accountability Review Board.
This information has come to light thanks to former Deputy Assistant Secretary Raymond Maxwell who claims to have witnessed the scrubbing of these documents during a weekend session in the basement of the State Department headquarters. 
Maxwell, a 21 year civil servant and Obama supporter, went uninvited to weekend document purge.  Among the few participating included long-time Hillary advisor Cheryl Mills.  Maxwell was allegedly told by a participant, “Ray, we are to go through these stacks and pull out anything that might put anybody in the [Near Eastern Affairs] front office or the seventh floor in a bad light.”  The “seventh floor,” according to Maxwell, was shorthand for Hillary Clinton and her staff.  Asking whether what they were doing was unethical, one of the participants said, “Ray, those are our orders.”
You can read more of Sharyl Attkinsson's report here.
Outrageous: Nancy Pelosi
Rep. Nancy Pelosi is no stranger to making outrageous statements.  They range from startling to ridiculous.  Today's example is no exception.
Pelosi recently gave her assessment on the upcoming midterm election.
She told HBO's Bill Maher, "It would be very important for Democrats to retain control of the Senate. Civilization as we know it today would be in jeopardy if the Republicans win the Senate. It's really important.”
Civilization would be in jeopardy?  Are you serious?  No hyperbole, demonization or exaggeration there.
I suppose it's just par for the course.  Add this to the list of Democratic hyperbole: Republicans want to throw granny off a cliff, they want children with autism to fend for themselves, and they want dirty air and water.
It's clear that Democrats are nervous about this upcoming election, and Nancy Pelosi is no exception.
Even Obama's former mouthpiece Jay Carney admitted that this isn't going to be a good year for Democrats.  For once, a little bit of honesty!
The reasons are obvious.  Beyond Obama's incoherent foreign policy, the failed economic policies of the Obama administration are taking a toll on average Americans.  Americans are simply dropping out of the labor force, we have a record number of Americans on food stamps and in poverty, and this president has accumulated more debt than almost all previous presidents combined.
There is no hyperbole necessary when you simply tell the truth about the failed policies of the Obama administration. 

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