Wednesday, October 15, 2014


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Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for October 15th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

The Centers for Everything But Disease Control

So now the federal health bureaucrats in charge of controlling diseases and pandemics want more money to do their jobs. Hmph. Maybe if they hadn’t been so busy squandering their massive government subsidies on everything but their core mission, we taxpayers might actually feel a twinge of sympathy...

FLOTUS’ face tells story of WH-grown veggies fertilized with shredded transcripts of Jay Carney’s pressers

Michelle Obama did an impression of kids eating a First Lady-approved school lunch today...

Paging Sheriff Joe! Company co-owned by husband of Sen. Kay Hagan allegedly kept unspent stimulus money

Here’s N.C. Democrat Sen. Kay Hagan in 2009 explaining why she voted for the stimulus bill...

More From the Right Side of the Web

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