Thursday, October 16, 2014


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Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for October 16th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

Freudian Slip of the week: Mark Udall calls Cory Gardner ‘senator’ during debate

Wednesday’s Colorado debate for a U.S. Senate seat between incumbent Democrat Mark Udall and Republican challenger Cory Gardner got ugly. How ugly? At one point, Udall’s eyebrows ran down his face to try and plug his mouth, but the intervention was too late, as Udall had already referred to his opponent as “senator”...

Great: CDC approved nurse with low-grade fever later diagnosed with Ebola to board commercial flight

Earlier today, CDC Director Tom Frieden said that the second nurse to later be diagnosed with Ebola shouldn’t have flown on a commercial flight...

‘Only white boy on the east side of Wilmington’ Joe Biden warns of ‘crazy’ Tea Party

Vice President “put y’all back in chains” is cranking up the rhetoric heading into next month’s elections. Translation from the Pander-Matic 5000: I speak jive...

More From the Right Side of the Web

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