Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Administration Falling Short
The Ebola epidemic is actually getting worse. There could be up to 10,000 new cases of Ebola per week within two months, according to the World Health Organization. Is our government prepared to protect us here in the United States? A bombshell number was revealed today by the World Health Organization's assistant director-general Dr. Bruce Aylward. He says that if our response efforts to Ebola aren't escalated, we could see up to 10,000 cases per week in two months.

That is an absolutely staggering number.

While some places in West Africa are seeing a drop in the number of Ebola cases, the fact is that it is actually spreading across the region and remains rampant in some cities. In other words, things are getting worse, not better.

Yet amazingly, our government officials remain convinced that we do not need a travel ban from these countries where Ebola is spreading. They say that cutting off travel will actually make the situation worse. It's hard to know what to believe, because they also told us that there was no risk of Ebola spreading in the United States and that our medical protocols were appropriate to prevent any spread of the virus. Now we know that's not the case, with this 26 year old nurse becoming infected after treating an Ebola patient in Texas.

It's very difficult to trust what these government officials and the Obama administration are saying when it comes to Ebola and our risk here in the United States. This is because the Obama administration has lost so much credibility in the eyes of the public.
The Lying Continues
The Obama Administration has flat-out lied to us on so many occasions that we know they are willing to say just about anything in order to fit their agenda. All of this lying and incompetence happened in the lead up to this Ebola outbreak and has us questioning whether this administration is capable of recognizing the full weight of the threats we face and putting proper plans into place in order to solve the problem and keep us safe.

Recently and somewhat simultaneously to this outbreak, they've tried to mitigate threats posed by ISIS radical Islamic militants. First, either they weren't honest or they were clueless about the growing threat of ISIS. Either way, it's not good. Then, they were incompetent in not even having a strategy to defeat ISIS. And when they finally came up with a strategy, it was half-hearted and arguably won't even solve the problem.

Here's a short update on the latest with ISIS, which includes capturing a military base in the Anbar province, just two weeks after they captured the town of Heet, which is less than 100 miles from Baghdad. This week we learned from the United Nations that as many as 180,000 Iraqis have fled Heet in the last few weeks since being taken over by ISIS militants. Reports over the weekend place ISIS militants within the the Baghdad suburb of Abu Ghraib, which is just 8 milers from the airport. In other words, ISIS is closing in on Baghdad. It may only be a matter of time before the administration is faced with that reality. Are we to believe that they are willing to make the tough calls to address it?

It's time for some honest leadership in order to prevent a full-blown pandemic both virally and militarily.

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