The Headlines: Polling, ISIS and Ebola
Wednesday's headlines: Another healthcare worker in Texas has contracted
Ebola. The administration still refuses to implement a travel ban.
ISIS has seized control of chemical weapons in Iraq. Obama's approval
rating is in the tank, and the election is just weeks away.
Let's start with the president's approval rating, which is at a record low. A brand new Washington Post/ABC News poll finds that only 40% of Americans approve of Obama's performance as president.
This is why the president has
not attended one campaign event for a candidate this election cycle.
Yes, he's attended fundraisers for the Democratic Party, but he's become
political kryptonite for Democrats who are afraid to even admit they
voted for him, much less campaign with him.
Obama's handling of ISIS has
plunged significantly as well. Just 35% of Americans approve of his
handling of ISIS, which is down 22 points since September's polling.
It's not hard to see why. Our
airstrike campaign doesn't seem to be effective, which is no surprise.
Instead we are hearing reports of ISIS being within miles of Baghdad.
And today we learned that ISIS likely now has control of a large cache
of chemical weapons.
“According to a recent report
published in the journal Middle East Review of International Affairs,
or MERIA, militants of the Islamic State group used chemical weapons,
including mustard gas, against Kurdish fighters in the Syrian border
town of Kobani during their first attempt to capture the town in July.”
These are said to be Saddam-era weapons, which are now being used by these radical islamic terrorists.
It's no wonder that the
American people feel that the administration hasn't competently handled
ISIS, if we continue to learn of their troubling progress. Continue reading...
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