Friday, December 12, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Selective Moral Outrage
In the wake of the release of the Senate's report on the CIA's interrogation techniques following 9/11, the Obama administration seems to believe that it has the moral high ground on issues related to the war on terror.

For a second time this week, the White House was forced to confront a puzzling issue: How can it be against enhanced interrogation techniques yet engage in drone strikes?
This administration's preferred tactic in the war on terror has become the use of drones to take out suspected terrorists. While the White House claims to have the moral high ground on this issue, how can simply killing people (including civilians) be any better than enhanced interrogation techniques?

Oddly enough, I actually agree with Obama and his use of drones. It's unfortunate that civilians are sometimes casualties as a result, but that is one of the sad, unfortunate realities of war.

But what I don't agree with is claiming that killing people with drones, without a trial, is somehow more humane or just than imprisonment or, in limited instances, enhanced interrogation techniques. I would imagine that other nations or leaders would agree.
Boehner Grubers Conservatives
Last night the House passed a $1.1 trillion spending bill to fund the government through the 2015 fiscal year. You can thank House Speaker John Boehner, who Grubered conservatives on this terrible cromnibus bill. After the American people swept the GOP to victory in November, Boehner was one of those who talked tough in terms of the need to stand up to the president on issues such as amnesty, for example. Remember his line, "If you play with matches, you are going to get burned," in reference to Obama's threats on executive amnesty.

Unfortunately that was all talk. What happened this week shows John Boehner to be cowardly.

When it came to this latest effort to fund the government, Boehner chose to align himself with the likes of Barack Obama and Steny Hoyer rather than the conservatives he's supposed to represent. He wouldn't work with conservatives in order get the votes and instead turned to the White House and liberals.

Did you know that in the 3+ years that Boehner has been Speaker, the federal debt has increased $3.8 trillion? CNSNews did the calculations and this works out an increase of our federal debt the equivalent of "$42,783.20 for every full-time year-round private-sector worker in the United States." That's not the leadership this country needs; that's Washington as usual, robbing our grandchildren blind.

Conservatives around America are angry that the Republicans currently in charge in Washington are not standing on principles, not governing as conservatives and abandoning the very electorate that just gave them a mandate.

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