Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Conservative Warriors
In the fallout of the Cromnibus vote, the media certainly has picked its villain: Republican Senator Ted Cruz.
Cruz, along with Senator Mike Lee have been criticized by many, particularly RINO Republicans in leadership, for forcing Senate colleagues to take a stand on Obama's unilateral amnesty.
In the end, 20 Senate Republicans ended up voting against Cruz's constitutional point of order on the $1.1 trillion spending bill, which funds Obama's executive amnesty (and ObamaCare, by the way).
While some are trying to blame the subsequent approval of Obama nominees as a result of Cruz's delay, the point is that only a limited number of Republicans in Washington even want to stand on the principles they campaigned on.
What this shows is that many Republicans in Washington aren't really willing to fight.  They are still petrified of being blamed for a government shutdown and they are worried that pushing back against Obama will result in losing their cushy Washington jobs.
If that's really the case, then what makes them any better than watered-down Democrats?
As Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal reminds us in a column today, it was Barack Obama himself who once declared that “elections have consequences.”
The Republicans seem to be missing the consequential message of the election last month.  Jindal writes, “The job of Republicans now is to govern with the confidence that elections do have consequences, promptly passing the conservative reform the voters have demanded.”
He lays out almost identical opportunities for the GOP that I've been listing for the entire year: conservative reforms on education, energy, tax policy and healthcare.  I'd also add securing the border.
There's no better example of effective conservative policies than what is happening at the state level.  Kurt Schlichter does a great job of highlighting this phenomenon in his latest piece on Townhall, “Nothing Succeeds Like Liberal Secession: Blue America Without Red America Would Be A Basket Case.”
“Freedom is worth the fight; we must start now,” Jindal writes.  He's absolutely right.  There is no time like the present to seize the opportunity to show America that conservative principles can work; the bold solutions promised by those like Reagan can lift America to a better place if given the chance.
But that can't happen if we have weak-kneed Republican leadership.  If conservatives can't even convince Republicans in Washington to fight for these principles, how can we expect the American people to demand the same?
ISIS = JV Team?
The biggest lie of last year – 2013 – came from Barack Obama, who promised that if we liked our healthcare plans and our doctors, we could keep them. 
Now we know that this was a deliberate lie.  And thanks to the recent revelations from ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber, they knew it was a lie and banked on the “stupidity” of the American people not to realize it at the time.
Unfortunately, 2014 is another year marked by scandals and lies from Washington. 
According to the Washington Post, one of the biggest Pinocchios of 2014 also comes from Barack Obama in his attempt to claim that he did not refer to ISIS as a “JV team.”
No matter how you spin it, it's clear that the president had no clue about the real danger ISIS posed and therefore lacked a strategy to deal with the brutal Islamic terrorist group.
What will Washington come up with in 2015?

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