Friday, December 19, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Another Example of Government Wasting Our Tax Dollars
The government always manages to find ways to waste your hard-earned tax dollars.
For example, an audit conducted by the Office of Inspector General found that the U.S. Department of Agriculture improperly spent $2.4 billion on food stamps.
Billions of dollars are going to people who are ineligible to receive food stamps for whatever reason.
More than 47 million Americans collect food stamps each month, representing one out of every four Americans.
That is an increase of over 14 million people since Barack Obama took office in 2009 when about 33 million Americans collected food stamps.
Food stamps are growing so rapidly that the Department of Agriculture is looking to hire hundreds of full-time workers to keep up with demand.
And the improper payments don't stop with food stamps.  Billions of dollars are collectively being misspent on other welfare programs such as WIC and school lunch programs.
What a waste.
North Korea Wins, Sony Kills "The Interview"
Sony Pictures announced they're canceling "The Interview," a movie set to debut Christmas Day and whose plot was centered on the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il. Last month, Sony Pictures was the victim of a cyber attack and they're suffering from those damages now.

What is the President going to do about this? Our government is telling us that North Korea is responsible for this incident and, besides Sony executives being embarrassed, it's clear that American businesses are vulnerable to attacks. Do you know what a bad cyber attack could do to our country? It would bring us to our knees and, what are we going to do, capitulate in some way?

By the way, it's not as if we weren't warned here. In June, North Korean officials warned that "The Interview" would be an act of war. Bottom line, if we don't respond forcefully and quickly we'll regret this for a long time.

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