Thursday, January 1, 2015


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
2015: A Time to Lead
As we celebrate the New Year, Conservatives should focus on spending some time resting with family and good friends because we have a busy year next year. I've spent much of my career railing on liberal policies that borrow against American's future but, as many of you know, the thing I hate the most are conservatives who fall victim to the Washington Way. The Washington Way, the idea that power corrupts good people and sends well-intentioned congressional representatives into a frenzy that blinds them from their real purpose and leaves them simply in "survival mode" as they fight for re-election and more committee assignments.

2015 is truly a time to lead. The American people came running back to good conservative policies in 2014 and are expecting real answers. I've outlined many of these with my Conservative Solutions Caucus but we should focus on:
  • Secure the border first;
  • Balance the budget and pass a balanced budget amendment;
  • Push for energy independence;
  • Repeal and replace ObamaCare;
  • Push Obama to ask for Congressional authorization to use force against ISIS.
I've given the Republicans a hard time for a while, calling for them to present an inspiring vision for America. There's no time like the present to start. 2015 is a time to lead and we need to hold our leaders accountable for that charge. To read more, check out
Happy New Year
As we celebrate the coming of a new year, I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for your continued support of all we do.  It's important that we remember, though we have a lot to do as I've outlined above, America remains the greatest country in the world.  Though our freedoms are seemingly under attack from the left, November's election gave confidence that Americans will do what it takes to defend those rights preserved by our Constitution.  

So, take a moment to reflect on what we've accomplished in 2014.  It wasn't long ago that the media was proclaiming the death of the republican party and suggesting that the GOP abandon conservative principles. What we've seen since then through, no doubt, your hard work, is the resurgence of the message that those ideals are very much still alive.


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