Monday, January 26, 2015


Patriotism Under Fire
“American Sniper” continues to crush it at the Box Office as America's liberal elite scoff at its success. 
It is on track to make $200 million within the first ten days of its release, which is a feat only achieved by a handful of R-rated movies in history including “Passion of the Christ” and “The Matrix.”  It may also become the highest grossing war movie of all time.
But its success isn't celebrated by all.  Hollywood liberal elitists like Michael Moore, Seth Rogan, Bill Maher, and politicians like Howard Dean and others have made headlines for their criticism of the movie and our military. 
Americans love this movie, but there seems to be a disconnect with the L.A. elite, many of whom seem to operate on their own agenda, which could be considered, in some cases, anti-military.
Will Hollywood snub “American Sniper” when it comes to the Oscars?  When the content of a film doesn't fit the Hollywood agenda, chances are that a beloved film such as this may miss the Oscar mark, but that doesn't take away from the impact it has made on Americans throughout the country.
Not About Islam
Amazingly, the Obama administration continues to insist that there is nothing Islamic about the Islamic State.  Seriously?
Over the weekend, ISIS executed one of the two Japanese hostages it was holding ransom.
This prompted the following reaction on Twitter from Rick Stengel, an undersecretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs: “Brutal criminal murder of Japanese citizen #Haruna Yukawa by the terrorist group #Daesh.  Nothing religious about it.”
Nothing religious about it?
Stengel is just one of a series of Obama administration officials trying to push this narrative that ISIS is not Islamic. 
Last week Secretary of State John Kerry described radical Islamic terrorists as “nothing more than a form of criminal anarchy–nihilism, which illegitimately claims an ideological and religious foundation.”
When asked to explain why the administration refuses to use the term “radical Islam,” WH Chief of Staff Dennis McDonough explains, “These are Muslims who claim that their warped view of their ideology is what informed their actions, their hateful ideology in this instance. What we simply do not believe, Chuck, is that they should somehow be seen as representatives of Islam. They are not.”  He went on to tell NBC's Chuck Todd that Islam is “one of the world's greatest religions.”
McDonough went as far as to claim that the United States may not even be engaged in a war on terrorism, much less radical Islamic terrorism.  He told CBS's Bob Schieffer that we are at war against al Qaeda and ISIS, but not terrorism which he described as merely a “tactic.”
What's clear is that this administration’s efforts to combat this “tactic,” and to defeat and destroy al Qaeda, ISIS or any others committing terrorists acts in the name of radical Islam, is failing.
Consider this final thought … if there is nothing religious about groups like ISIS, then explain why international efforts to arrest those sympathetic to ISIS begin and end with radicalized Islamic profiles?  For example, consider the arrests just made by Spanish authorities of radical jihadists sympathetic to ISIS.  And if there is nothing Islamic about these terrorists, then why the push to monitor mosques?

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