Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Iranian Sanctions
The House is holding hearings on imposing new sanctions on Iran despite Obama's promise to veto such efforts.  Does President Obama recognize the danger of a nuclear Iran, and is he doing everything he can to really stop it? 
The Obama administration's posture at this point in the negotiations is not to dismantle Iran's nuclear capabilities but merely to delay in the inevitable.  This is dangerous. 
Iran has declared that Israel should be wiped from the face of the Earth.  It also is the largest supporter of terrorist networks throughout the region, including the rebels that have just toppled the regime in Yemen. 
Why are we to trust the Iranians?  The deadline for reaching a deal has already been extended twice.  Iran has violated the terms of our agreements by continuing to expand its nuclear program within Iran and even, reportedly, in Syria.
This issue is important enough for members of Obama's own party to challenge him on imposing sanctions. 
This issue is important enough for Republicans to make the bold gesture of inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to this issue before a joint session.
This issue is important enough for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accept the invitation, knowing the message it would send to President Obama and the world.
The Congress and Israel seem willing to risk undermining President Obama in order to achieve their goal on this issue.  Either they view Obama as already weak, and therefore not much more damage could be done.  Or they believe that making Obama look weak on the world stage is worth the risk when faced with the long-term consequences of a nuclear Iran.
Loyal Democrats like Senator Bob Menendez labeled the Obama administration's talking points on their negotiations with Iran as coming “straight out of Tehran.” 
The Washington Post points out that very few people on Capitol Hill “have confidence that President Obama can negotiate an agreement that will keep Iran from having nuclear weapons.” 
Ed Rogers at The Washington Post continues, “The stakes are too high to just shrug, defer to the president and hope for the best. Americans are about to receive a strong signal from Congress on the importance of the situation with Iran – the kind of signal that only a bipartisan vote for more sanctions – over the president’s objection – can provide.”
Up until this point, Obama has been able to get away with one foreign policy disaster after another.  But it seems as though we've finally reached an issue where we recognize that the implications are far too dangerous for us to allow Obama to bungle.
Bergdahl a Deserter
Last summer, Barack Obama announced with great fanfare the return of a soldier by the name of Bowe Bergdahl, who was reportedly captured and held hostage by the Taliban since 2009.
Bergdahl's return came in exchange for the release of five of the top Taliban leadership held at Guantanamo Bay.
But then we learned from members of Bergdahl's platoon that he was not captured but intentionally deserted his fellow soldiers.
The official investigation is now complete and according to Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, Bergdahl is, in fact, a deserter. 
Hoping to make the situation go away, the White House has allegedly tried to stonewall the release of the Army investigation.
This is just another blundering embarrassment for this administration.
Source: Washington Free Beacon & Fox News

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