Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Chilling: Did Ft. Leavenworth Censor a Discussion About Hannity?
The attorney for imprisoned former U.S. soldier, Clint Lorance believes his phone call with his client was monitored by the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks (USDB) at Fort Leavenworth, and eventually cut off when the topic of discussion turned to Sean Hannity.
Lorance's attorney, John Maher says that on December 19, 2014 he had his weekly call to the prison in Kansas at 11:30 a.m. EST with the former soldier. Maher says his calls with his client usually last about an hour and the two cover everything from new legal details of the case to events taking place at the prison. However, when their discussion that day turned to the Hannity radio segment (which took place December 18th) in which Maher and Lorance’s mother, Anna Lorance both participated, their phone call was abruptly disconnected.
Maher tells, “Once the words ‘Sean Hannity Radio Show’ came out of my mouth, the connection went immediately dead. That had never happened before.” Maher says he later learned Lorance had tried to call his business line four separate times but, “Each time, the line connected at my number, then fell away.” 
This prompted the attorney to contact the USDB commandant, Col. Erica Nelson and write, “The line being suddenly dropped and my office number subsequently blocked from access gives rise to the reasonable inference that USDB personnel are improperly monitoring attorney-client conversations, wrongfully censoring topics of discussion, and obstructing lawful and necessary attorney-client communications.”
Maher says that his attorney-client privilege phone calls are scheduled through a secured line through the Command Judge Advocate’s office at the USDB. The dropped phone connection has Maher baffled: “I do not believe that telling an inmate about his mother's radio appearance is cause for prison officials to terminate communications, and in so doing, cause unnecessary concern for Clint, his legal team, and his family,” he said.
Clint Lorance was convicted of murder in 2013 and sentenced to 20 years at Fort Leavenworth for ordering his men to shoot at a motorcycle speeding towards his platoon in a Taliban-influenced region of Afghanistan in Kandahar Province.  His recent petition for clemency to the Commanding General at Fort Bragg was denied on December 31, 2014. has reached out multiple times to the Pentagon for a response but has yet to receive one at the time of this publication. 
Index of Economic Freedom
Every year the Heritage Foundation comes out a with an Index of Economic Freedom, which ranks countries based on factors such as the rule of law, limited government, regulatory efficiency and open markets.
Amazingly, the United States doesn't even rank in the top 10 when it comes to economic freedom.
America now ranks 12th, behind countries like Estonia, Denmark, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Ireland and others.
This is a slight improvement over last year but only thanks to cuts in government spending.
In 2009 when Barack Obama became president, the United States ranked sixth.  Just five years later it has dropped six places on the list.
America has a lot of work to do if it wants to climb back up the list and regain the ground lost under Barack Obama.
Source: CNSNews

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