Thursday, January 29, 2015


A Historic Snub
The relationship between Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Barack Obama isn't exactly friendly.

In a historic snub, Barack Obama is refusing to meet with Netanyahu when he visits Washington in March to address a joint session of Congress.

Taking things a step further, is the United States actively working to oust Netanyahu in the Israeli elections in March?

According to the Washington Free Beacon, "A U.S. State Department-funded group is financing an Israeli campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and has hired former Obama aides to help with its grassroots organizing efforts."

While the U.S. group OneVoice International claims that government money isn't being used towards these efforts, it has "received two grants from the U.S. State Department over the past year, and lists the agency as a 'partner' on its website."

Hillary to Testify
"What difference does it make?" Hillary Clinton has agreed to testify to the House's select committee on Benghazi, according Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings.

In 2014, Hillary Clinton said that her biggest regret from her time as Secretary of State was Benghazi. But that still doesn't mean that we've been able to figure out the truth about what really happened.

Would you believe that the State Department continues to stonewall the committee's access to first-hand witnesses? It doesn't surprise me, coming from the "most transparent administration in history."

The truth about what happened in Benghazi still makes a difference to the American people who deserve honesty from our government.

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