Friday, January 30, 2015


Taliban Terror
As if the United States needed one more ding on its foreign policy record at the moment, the Taliban has surged back into the headlines for all the wrong reasons. It's no wonder that 57% of Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of foreign policy.

Firstly, we have the Taliban claiming responsibility for a shooting of three American civilian contractors and an Afghan national at the Kabul airport this week.

As if that wasn't disconcerting enough, the Taliban is also back in the news because one of the five traded in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has returned to the battlefield.

Last summer, the Obama administration found itself embroiled in yet another scandal when it decided to swap Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for five Taliban leaders being held in Guantanamo Bay The controversy was three-fold:

- Prisoner swaps set a dangerous precedent and put a price on the heads of Americans overseas;
- Evidence suggests that Bergdahl deserted his platoon, and fellow solders were killed and injured in their efforts to find someone who left them intentionally;
- The return of these top Taliban leaders was disconcerting because of the potential for them to return to the fight.
The Prisoners Are Back
Well here we are months later and top military and intelligence officials now believe that one of the five released detainees has attempted to return to military activity with the Taliban.

No kidding! It is not yet publicly known which the men has attempted to do so, but it is another PR disaster for the White House. And not to mention that it is dangerous for our national security.

Rear Admiral John Kirby believes that our Defense Department is capable of handling any threat potentially posed by these individuals. But it still makes you wonder why the Obama administration would put us in this position.

Among Obama's first promises as president was to close Gitmo. While he hasn't managed to do so completely, he has managed to release a number of detainees throughout the years. None, though, are perhaps as high profile as the five Taliban leaders released in this case.

There is debate over the recidivism rate of detainees to the battlefield. Some estimate that about 17% of former detainees have returned to the battlefield, while it could be as high as a 30% recidivism rate.

Amazingly enough, the White House does not consider the Taliban a terrorist organization. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest explained this week that the Taliban is "a very dangerous organization" that "has resorted to terror tactics" but stopped short of calling them a terrorist organization.

The reluctance of this administration to call terrorism, much less radical Islamic terrorism, for what it is is baffling and dangerous.

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