Monday, January 5, 2015


Is the GOP Ready?
It's back to work this week for many Americans and that includes lawmakers in Washington.  The 114th Congress begins Tuesday and some conservatives are ready to challenge the GOP establishment.  Should John Boehner remain Speaker of the House?
As the governing majority in the House and Senate, Republicans have a real opportunity to show America why they deserve to lead.  But that can't happen without bold, conservative leadership.

This is why one of the first issues facing GOP lawmakers is their selection of a House Speaker.  Over the years, current House Speaker John Boehner has failed to stand up to Obama time and time again.  At the end of 2014, he chose to negotiate with Harry Reid and the Democrats rather than conservative members of his own party in order to pass the cromnibus bill. 
As a result, Boehner's role as Speaker will not go unchallenged. 
Two conservatives have thrown their hat into the ring: Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert and Florida Rep. Ted Yoho.
There's also a push to deny Boehner the majority votes necessary.  A few conservatives have already spoken out that they will not be voting for Boehner: Yoho, Gohmert, Bridenstine, Gosar, King, Brat, Stutzman, Jones, and Massie.  There are also a few new members of Congress who ran for office pledging to oppose Boehner's leadership.  We'll see if they quickly live up to their campaign promises, and we'll see if any of their other colleagues are willing to join the effort.
But are there enough who are willing to do so?
More likely not, and that's a real shame. 
After all, new polling from EMC Research shows that 60% of Republicans want someone other than Boehner as House Speaker.  Only one-quarter want Boehner and Mitch McConnell in leadership positions.
As for the Senate, Mitch McConnell's goal he recently articulated doesn't inspire much confidence: Don't be scary
There's nothing scary about a bold agenda based on opportunity and freedom.  School choice, balancing the budget, patient-centered healthcare reforms, securing the border, energy independence and jobs.  Those should be the focus of the GOP rather than a focus on their shadows, too scared to act in the face of opposition.
For example, the EMC Research poll found that 81% of people said that opposition to ObamaCare was the reason they voted Republican in November.  Stopping ObamaCare along with Obama's plans for immigration reform are the top priorities for Republicans.
Does the GOP and its leadership have what it really takes to stand up to Obama on those issues?  Does the GOP have what it takes to articulate to the American people their own vision?
Now is the time for them to prove it.
Reason #532 for Booting Boehner
As if Republicans needed another reason to vote Boehner out of his speakership.
Howard Berry, father of Fort Hood victim, Josh Berry has released a scathing video outlining his arguments against Boehner and calls for new House leadership.

Josh Berry was at the readiness center the day Nidal Hasan opened fire and killed 13 people and wounded 32 others. While Josh survived the attack, he suffered from severe PTSD from the event and eventually committed suicide on Feb 13, 2013. Watch the video here.

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