Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Sean: Fire Boehner
“The House of Representatives is the people’s house and 60 percent of Republicans want a new Speaker,” Hannity said in an email to Breitbart News. “Therein lies the dilemma for every House Republican. What is more important to them; committee assignments? Office locations? Or the will of the people who put them in power? If the Republican Party wants to stay in power, they need a bold inspiring solutions based agenda that will be articulated and fought for every single day for the next two years.”
Hannity said Boehner does not fit the definition of a leader.
“I do not see John Boehner as that leader,” Hannity said. “He has too often been timid and weak, scared to death he will get blamed for a government shut down. Unwilling to use his constitutional power of the purse in battling Obama’s radical agenda. Republicans need somebody to inspire both tea party conservatives and moderate Republicans. An agenda that would help Americans in poverty, on welfare or those unemployed.”
Hannity said that the replacement for Boehner should balance the budget, replace Obamacare, secure the border, and support American energy independence—all while pushing real education reforms like school choice.
“I want a conservative leader who will do the following: Stop robbing future generations and balance the budget, replace obamacare which Boehner just funded again for a year, secure the borders now, make America energy independent which creates jobs and dramatically helps national security, offer school choice and get kids out of failing schools.”
Continue reading from Breitbart.com
Obama's Zealous Regulatory Agenda
During Obama's first term in office, he issued 331 major rules, which are regulations with an economic impact of at least $100 million a year.  That puts him well on pace to surpass his predecessor George W. Bush.
In less than six years in office, Obama has also signed 33% more presidential memoranda than Bush.
And 2015 is shaping up to escalate this trend.
Obama is expected to act unilaterally on issues including energy regulations, labor laws, healthcare, education rating systems, net neutrality, food safety rules, transportation, trade, taxes and defense.
Republicans will be forced to fight Obama's zealous regulatory agenda.  Will they have the courage to use their electoral mandate and stand up to Obama?

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