Friday, February 13, 2015


Obama and the ISIS Threat
President Obama has finally presented a request for the Authorization for Use of Military Force to combat ISIS.

The proposal would repeal the 2002 authorization of force in Iraq but maintain legislation authorizing our efforts against al Qaeda and its affiliates.

But the mission would be limited to three years and does not call for a large-scale operation of American ground forces.

Obama says that "If left unchecked, [ISIS] will pose a threat beyond the Middle East, including to the United States homeland."

That's a far cry from the "JV team," which is what he called ISIS not long ago.

Let's hope that the president now has a winning strategy to go along with his request.

I'm not holding my breath. Ideology and political correctness seem to trump reality and strategy for this president.
Obama: The Most Polarizing President in History?
Barack Obama is on track to be the most polarizing president in the history of the United States.

According to Gallup, "Throughout President Barack Obama's sixth full year in office, an average of 79% of Democrats, compared with 9% of Republicans, approved of the job he was doing."

This 70-point gap represents one of the largest in history.

Why is this the case?

If you ask Barack Obama, he blames the media. If you ask me, I blame Obama himself. He clings so tightly to his Alinksy, Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers radical ideology, painting his opponents as moral monsters who delight in the suffering of others.

Conservatives don't just disagree with his policies, they want dirty air and water, they want to push grannies off cliffs, they are members of the Flat Earth Society.

His presidency will be defined by partisanship and that is not the media's fault.

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