Monday, February 16, 2015


ISIS Slaughters Christians
In yet another display of radical Islamic barbarity, ISIS released a video of Egyptian Christians being brutally beheaded.

As former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said over the weekend, ISIS "truly represents a whole new phase in the war on terrorism."

Such is what we witnessed over the weekend with the mass beheading of Egyptian Christians on a beach in Libya.

As a result, Egypt responded with force, launching airstrikes to target ISIS training camps and stock piles of weapons that they have in Libya. The Libyan air force also coordinated with Egypt to kill ISIS militants in eastern Libya.

ISIS in Libya represents another problem for the Obama administration. Defeating and destroying ISIS has suddenly become far more complex, expanding beyond Iraq and Syria where we are currently engaged. How did ISIS manage to spread to Libya anyway?

Egypt and France are calling on the UN Security Council to consider new international measures to address the spiraling chaos in Libya. Italy now wants NATO to intervene, with its Interior Minister warning that ISIS is a the door of the Western world (by operating in Libya) and that there is "no time to waste."

So now we have both Egypt and Jordan responded quickly and with force in response to the killing of their own people. If only the United States showed the same sense of urgency.
Rise in Anti-Semitism
As attacks targeting Jews continue, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is urging Jews to move to Israel.

Over the weekend we saw another targeted shooting of Jews at a synagogue in Copenhagen. This comes off the heels of the terrorist attack at a Kosher deli in Paris last month and the rise of anti-semitism in Europe.

Also in France over the weekend, a Jewish cemetery was desecrated, leaving "around 300 out of 400 tombstones knocked down and spray-painted," according to the Wall Street Journal . As Netanyahu is urging European Jews to move to Israel, France is trying reassure them and asking that they stay. But that case is becoming more difficult to make, considering the rise of anti-Semitism in France: "Anti-Semitic attacks have been on the rise in France. In 2013, the latest year for which data have been compiled, there were 423 reported anti-Semitic incidents in France, compared with 82 in 1999, according to the Jewish Community Security Service, a body that compiles data based on police reports," as reported by the Wall Street Journal.

Will the Obama administration call these latest attacks "random" as they did the Kosher deli attack in Paris?

In the United States, Jews are, by far, the most targeted religious group when it comes to hate crimes. According to the FBI, 62.4% of anti-religious hate crimes were victims of an offender's anti-Jewish bias. The second group targeted is Muslims, and while still deplorable 11.6% of victims, is nowhere near the targeted rate experienced by Jews. No one should ever be the victim of a hate crime, whether it be because of religion or gender or race. But these statistics give you a sense of where current biases exist in America today.

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