Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Outrageous! State Department Spox!
“We cannot win this war by killing them [ISIS], we cannot kill our way out of this war.”  That is according to our very own State Department.
State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf told Chris Matthews that we cannot win this war against ISIS by killing them. 
So what is her solution to stopping radical Islamic terrorists from murdering and taking over territory? 
Job opportunities.  Seriously! 
Harf explained, “We need, in the longer term, medium and longer term, to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups, whether it’s lack of opportunity for jobs…”
Harf's comments are woefully ignorant and naïve.  It only adds to the narrative that the Obama administration hasn't a clue about the true nature of the enemy the world is facing.  This is incredibly dangerous.
We are witnessing a defining moment in human history.  Unfortunately, we have the wrong people in leadership in the White House to recognize this fact and deal with it appropriately.
It is a sad, fundamental truth that evil exists in this world.  In previous centuries we have seen it, whether it was the Holocaust and Hitler, Stalin or Pol Pot.  In this century we are witnessing it with the rise of ISIS and its savagery that is quickly spreading. 
The Obama administration will try and tell you that ISIS is not Islamic.  That is fundamentally false.  Can we finally do away with the fiction that has been perpetuated that the Islamic State and radical Islamic fascism doesn't have to do with Islam?  At its core, ISIS is Islamic in its purest sense.  Yes, it is an archaic view of its religion but it is motivated entirely by a fundamental following of Islam.  For the Obama administration to ignore this means that it will maintain a false understanding of the enemy and therefore lack the appropriate response to deal with it.
Obama is disconnected from truth and reality, blinded by a rigid ideology.
This is why the American public aren't buying it when Obama and Kerry try to tell us that we are winning against ISIS.  This is just simply not the case.  Here are just two blatant examples of how this is false:
Islamic State expands despite U.S.-led air campaign (USA Today)
DIA: ISIL 'Beginning to Assemble a Growing International Footprint' (CNSNews)
The American people aren't as dumb as Obama may believe.  They can read the news and see these terrible beheadings and murders and figure out that we are on the losing side of this battle thus far.  It's no wonder that 57% of Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of ISIS, according to a new poll by CNN/ORC.
A struggle of civilizations is unfolding before our very eyes.  This is a very precarious time and Obama is leading from behind.  His administration is clueless.  ISIS' brutality isn't about jobs.  It is about a fundamental drive to establish an Islamic caliphate.  Until our leaders can understand that motivation, we are doomed to defeat.
I'll leave you with this comparison from Thomas Sowell to pre-WWII:
“Hitler and the Nazis were the 'junior varsity' of their day, in the eyes of the know-it-alls.
Even after Hitler consolidated his political power in Germany, imposed a dictatorship and began building up a massive war machine, the Western democracies continued to believe that they could reach a peaceful understanding with him.
There was euphoria in the West when British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain returned from a conference in Munich, waving an agreement signed by Hitler, and declaring that it meant 'peace for our time.' Our time turned out to be less than one year before the biggest and most ghastly war in history broke out in 1939.”
FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai on Net Neutrality Ajit Pai (Twitter: @AjitPaiFCC) Republican FCC commissioner joined Sean yesterday to sound the alarm about the massive Internet regulations headed our way. Love your smartphone? On Facebook and Google every day? Well President Obama wants to make sure you do it his way. The vote to make this official and legal is February 26 - we have to stop this NOW. 
Read Commissioner Pai's statement on Obama's Internet rules here.
Find the fact-sheet here
Listen to the eye-opening segment HERE.

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