Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Modern Day Holocaust
It's becoming a regular occurrence to hear of ISIS' latest brutality.  Meanwhile, the Obama administration fails to even identify the enemy as it spreads, putting us and the world in grave danger.
The latest news to break is that ISIS reportedly captured and burned alive as many as 45 people in Iraq.  The unconfirmed report of the burned bodies supposedly happened just miles from where U.S. Marines are stationed in Iraq.
Whether this turns out to be the case, it is confirmed that the group is harvesting organs from those it is killing, whether it be by burning alive, beheading or even crucifying children.
ISIS is on a savage war path.  What are we doing to stop it?
Apparently not enough.  Apparently we haven't offered them enough jobs to entice them to stop killing and burning and crucifying.  That's what the State Department seems to believe would solve the problem, in what had to be one of the absolute dumbest statements to ever come out of an administration.  And that's saying a lot, particularly out of this administration.  Talk about ignorant and misguided.  
Yet Obama echoed a similar sentiment in his op-ed today in the LA Times. After stating that “military force alone cannot solve this problem,” Obama says, “We know from experience that the best way to protect people, especially young people, from falling into the grip of violent extremists is the support of their family, friends, teachers and faith leaders …  The world has to offer today's youth something better.”
Apparently we haven't provided enough opportunities for them to choose a life of entrepreneurship compared to a barbaric life of beheading and ruthlessly taking territory in the name of Allah.  Which, by the way, ISIS now has control of landmass the size of Great Britain.  
Yet our president will tell you that our strategy to combat ISIS is working.  It's a great success. Obama writes in the LATimes today, “The United States has made significant gains against terrorism,” but that the threat has “evolved.”
To say that this administration is out of touch with reality would be kind.
The reality is that what we are witnessing is a modern day Holocaust.  
To even consider the notion that a liberal welfare jobs program could address this level of sadistic evil is nearly unfathomable.  It's mind-numbing to those of us who are awake to the true nature of this enemy.
Peace isn't the absence of conflict; peace is the ability to defend yourself.  
Radical Islam, with ISIS currently at the helm, has declared war on us.  When will Obama and his administration realize this and do everything in its power to win.  I'm not talking about containing or weakening but to kill until they surrender.
ISIS is now the world's cancer that will kill many millions of people if we don't wipe it out.
Confronting an Enemy
Attorney General Eric Holder doesn't seem to think that it is important to name the enemy of radical Islam. 
He says that the terminology doesn't change how we deal with it.
But he is wrong. 
The first thing you must do when confronting an enemy is to label it and call it for what it is.  That is the foundation for your understanding of its motivations and therefore the basis for your reaction to it.
But Holder seems to think that this quibbling over terminology is simply an obsession of Fox News, and without this talking point, the network would have nothing else to talk about.
Unfortunately, this administration has given Fox News and the rest of the country plenty to talk about because of its incompetent response to the rise of a brutal radical Islamic terrorist group that seems to be at war with us, even though we don't seem to be at war with them.
Source: CNSNews

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