Monday, February 23, 2015


Homeland Security Battle
This is a big week in Washington as the Obama administration and Congress battle it out over funding for the Department of Homeland Security.  The issue boils down to the funding of Obama's executive actions on immigration.

If you will recall, last November Obama issued a series of executive actions related to immigration, including deferred deportation for as many as 5 million illegal immigrants.  Applications for this deferred status was supposed to have officially started last week (Feb. 18).  
But a Texas judge stepped in at the last minute and stopped the process.  Judge Andrew Hanen issued a 123-page opinion, which states that Texas "stands to suffer direct damage from the implementation" of Obama's amnesty plan.  Keep in mind that 26 states, including Texas, are included in this lawsuit.
Hanen also found that the administration did not comply with proper procedures in issuing the executive action, determining that the Department of Homeland Security is "not rewriting laws," but "creating them from scratch."
The Obama administration will file for an emergency legal stay, which basically means that everything would remain in place, and preparations would continue, as the case is appealed.
Will We See Congressional Backbone?
This week Congress must vote to fund the Department of Homeland Security or it runs out of money.  Republicans in the House have passed funding for the Department of Homeland Security but defunds Obama's executive actions on immigration.  
The Senate is where the issue currently hangs in the balance.  The Democrats are filibustering the bill, refusing to let it be brought up for official debate - they've done this at least three times now.  They are demanding a "clean" funding bill.  In other words, it is the Democrats who are blocking the funding of the Department of Homeland Security. 
Should there be no resolution to the issue by midnight on Friday, there would be a partial government shutdown thanks to the Democrats who don't want to vote on these amendments related to Obama's executive amnesty.  
The Obama administration and the Democrats are assuming that Republicans will probably be blamed for the shutdown, but Boehner and GOP leadership don't seem to be letting that sway them.  Are we finally going to see a little backbone from the GOP?

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