Wednesday, February 4, 2015


ISIS Barbarity
The brutality of ISIS seems to know no bounds.  In its latest display of barbarity, ISIS released a video of it burning alive Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kasasbeh.  This is savage, human evil.  How will America and the world respond to this tragedy and ISIS' growing power?
In response to the video, Jordan hanged two Iraqi militants whom ISIS had demanded be released in exchange for its hostages.  Jordan, a coalition partner in our efforts against ISIS, promised a "earth-shaking response" to Kasasbeh's death.
ISIS' brutality has captured the world, but it wasn't all that long ago when President Obama referred to ISIS as the “JV team.”  Now ISIS has captured large swaths of Iraq, which our soldiers fought and died to free.  It has control in much of Syria.  It has claimed responsibility for lone wolf attacks and threats throughout the world. 
And now we have reports that ISIS is spreading into Libya as it unravels.  According to Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart in testimony to House Armed Services Committee on global threats, “Particularly concerning has been the spread of ISIL beyond Syria and Iraq.  With affiliates in Algeria, Egypt, Libya, the group is beginning to assemble a growing international footprint that includes ungoverned and under governed areas.”
As if Obama's “JV team” comment wasn't bad enough, what remains astounding and dangerous is this president's unwillingness to clearly name and define the enemy. 
Obama refuses to use the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism.”
Obama told us that the Islamic State is neither Islamic nor a state.
Obama recently went out of his way to proclaim that 99.9% of Muslims are peaceful.
On that last point, while many Muslims are peaceful, they are remaining awfully quiet in the condemnation of their religion being hijacked.  Their holy book is being used to justify jihad against the infidels.  In places, Muslim youth are being taught to believe that Israel, the United States and freedom are the enemy.  And then consider the treatment of women within certain parts of Islamic culture.  Is Obama aware of what life is like for women, minorities, Christians and others under Sharia Law?
When faced with some of the harsh, brutal reality of what Islam is used to justify among certain communities, Obama is neglecting to face reality.  He appears to be living in a fantasy land, and when faced with facts and figures reverts back to a dogmatic level of ignorance that almost takes your breath away.  It certainly doesn't make us any less safe and doesn't make the world any more secure.  How do you combat an enemy without understanding them and knowing what motivates them?
I've said it before and I'll say it again:  Barack Obama is the Neville Chamberlin of our time. 
It's clear that our strategy against ISIS is not working, and that is an extension of our overall failed foreign policy under Obama's watch. 
On Friday, Obama is set to release a national security strategy amidst the growing threat of ISIS and other international fires burning around the globe.  It is supposed to update Obama's “foreign policy vision and priorities for the American people and Congress — and communicates America’s priorities to its allies around the world.”
He's just now getting around to this?  What has taken him so long?  How many more people have to be brutally murdered?  How much more territory has to be seized?  How many more attacks must there be?  Obama seems like he is being forced to do this, reluctantly being pushed to admit that perhaps his strategy up until this point haven't worked.  You think?
Now the questions are, how far is he willing to go in order to “defeat” and “destroy” enemies like ISIS?  How far is he willing to go in order to stop Putin and the violence in Eastern Ukraine?  How far is Obama willing to go in order to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon? 
As Obama is reevaluating his national security strategy, we have the confirmation hearings for Secretary of Defense taking place.  Ashton Carter faces questions before Congress, citing ISIS has “the most immediate threat to U.S. national interests.”  However, Carter's feelings on the emptying Gitmo will certainly be interesting, considering the recent news that one of the Taliban detainees we released from Gitmo has allegedly returned to the battlefield.
Our strategy isn't working and it's hard to believe that Obama's ideology is going to change enough to really change course.  That is freighting for our national security and for our allies.
Federal Deficit to Increase 20% this Year
With President Obama offering his budget to the American public, the GOP has a perfect opportunity to offer a conservative counterpoint.
Obama isn't serious when it comes to our nation's finances.  In fact …
Despite record tax revenue, the federal deficit is on track to increase 20% this year.
And according to calculations by CNSNews, the government spends more per wage earner in the United States than workers are actually earning.
There were about 157 million workers in 2012, earning a median income of about $31,000.  If you break down the $6 trillion spent by the government that same year, it works out to about $38,800 in government spending per earner.
We can't sustain this.  The GOP has a moral imperative to stop robbing our children blind.  Let's hope they seize this opportunity.
Source: CNSNews

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