Thursday, February 5, 2015


Jordan Responds
The burning alive of Jordanian pilot Mouath al-Kasaesbeh by ISIS savages has shocked the conscience of the world. Yet the reaction from Jordan and its leader is remarkably different than the reaction from the Obama administration after two Americans were beheaded by ISIS.

Jordan's King Abdullah did not back down in response to ISIS. In fact, he vowed an "earth-shattering response" to Kasaesbeh's death and a "relentless" war.

Then proving that he is more than a man of words, Jordanian fighter pilots have reportedly carried our airstrikes on ISIS. According to Fox News, "Reports from the Middle East said the latest strikes killed 55 members of ISIS, including a senior commander known as the 'Prince of Nineveh.'" Defense officials told Fox News "that one strike involving 'multiple Jordanian aircraft' took place at Thursday at 1 p.m. local time near the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa, Syria, and said 'lots of ammunition' was expended."

Now compare that response to that of our own president after ISIS brutally beheaded Americans. Just minutes after making a statement on the beheading of American journalist James Foley, President Obama trotted off to the golf course.

Obama plays golf; the King of Jordan promises an "earth-shattering response," executes two prisoners and then bombs ISIS.

The difference in terms of a response could not be more striking.
Why The Difference?
Middle Eastern experts explained to Fox News perhaps why this difference is the case. King Abdullah is a former general and special forces commander. He knows what it takes to defeat an enemy in the battlefield, rather than relying on theoretical ideology. King Abdullah is considered a formidable foe against ISIS, according to experts.

It's amazing that we've come to a point in history where the United States is not leading on the international stage with moral clarity and power in the face of evil. And evil is exactly what we are dealing with here.

As tired or cliché as the comparison may be, what we are witnessing is modern day Nazism. These ISIS terrorists have no qualms about taking human life brutally.

A United Nations report outlines the extent of the brutality of ISIS. The terrorist group is systematically engaged in beheadings, torture, raping and killing of children and minority families: "In a report issued Wednesday in Geneva, the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child said it has received reports of 'several cases of mass executions of boys, as well as reports of beheadings, crucifixions of children and burying children alive.'"
An ISIS manifesto has also been released on a jihadist forum and depicts a horrifically oppressive life for women under ISIS, including marriage by the age of nine and an education only to the age of 15.
It's absolutely sickening. We've got to get serious about naming this enemy, understanding its motivations and then doing everything we can to "defeat" and "destroy" it. So far, those were just empty words from President Obama. Instead, other world leaders have been forced to rise to meet the unfortunate occasion of combating this evil with the only force it will understand.

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