Monday, March 2, 2015


All Eyes on Bibi
This week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address a joint session of Congress on what is shaping up to be a historic speech.  Will the Obama administration heed Netanyahu's warning?
Netanyahu visits the United States this week with rising approval ratings.  According to Gallup, his approval among Americans is tied at an all-time high: “nearly twice as many Americans view Israel's leader favorably (45%) as unfavorably (24%).”
He has demonstrated himself to be a leader at a time when American leadership is sorely lacking on the world stage.  And unfortunately, now is not a time for dithering and weakness.
Netanyahu comes with a grave warning: a nuclear Iran poses a threat unlike any we have faced in recent memory.  Yet amazingly, the Obama administration is well on its way to allowing Iran to achieve nuclear capability.
While negotiations have yet to finish, the deal is allegedly shaping up to include the following: allowing Iran to continue uranium enrichment with a built-in sunset clause that would eventually place no limits on its capabilities, operate at least 6,000 centrifuges, and sanctions would be lifted.
In other words, Iran will be able to have nuclear weapons in our lifetime, essentially with the blessing of the United States.
I've tried to explain this as simply as possible: 1+1=2. 
What does math have to do with this? 
Because the problem and the solution are clear as day: radical Islamist mullahs+nuclear weapons=potential holocaust in our lifetime.
Nobody understands this truth better than Benjamin Netanyahu. 
And yet, this administration and Democrats would rather treat this as a political squabble.  Upwards of 30 Democrats in Congress are boycotting Netanyahu's speech.  President Obama refused to meet with Netanyahu during his visit, and he will not attend the speech.  Secretary of State John Kerry will not attend the speech, nor will Vice President Joe Biden.
Netanyahu is coming with the gravest of warnings and with, not just the security of his country, but the survival of his own country at stake.  He reminded folks of this fact today as he addressed AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, at their annual meeting in Washington.  He focused on the strength of the American-Israeli relationship.  Tomorrow he will test that relationship by breaking with the White House on its nuclear discussions with Iran.
AIPAC has similarly broken with the White House on its Iran negotiations.  It wants to work with Congress to weaken any nuclear agreement by imposing new sanctions or blocking current sanctions from being lifted.
Similar to what we can expect to hear from Netanyahu, AIPAC wants total a dismantling of Iran's nuclear infrastructure.  As I outlined above, that is a far cry from where the United States' negotiations seem to be heading.
When it comes to a nuclear Iran, we are talking about life and death.  The fact that this administration seems so willing to bend to Iran's demands while being obstinate to Israel's concerns is gravely disturbing.
A Bad Week for Hillary Clinton
It's been a bad week for Hillary Clinton in the news.
The Clinton Foundation has come under scrutiny for accepting millions of dollars in foreign donations from countries like Saudi Arabia. 
Talk about a war on women - how about taking money from a country like Saudi Arabia where women can't be seen in public without male relatives, you need four male eye-witnesses to prove rape ...
And Hillary's women's troubles don't end there.  It's also been reported this week that Clinton's Senate office paid women 72 cents for every dollar it paid to men, representing a salary difference of $15,700.
Needless to say, Hillary is going to have a lot to disclose and answer for to the American public if she wants to be president.  
Source: RNC & WSJ

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