Thursday, March 19, 2015


Vindictive Obama
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's Likud Party win this week is a huge victory for global peace and security. But for Barack Obama and his administration, it is a major defeat and they aren't going to let it go quietly.

Our petulant president feels the need to punish Israel because he doesn't get along with Netanyahu. Israel is supposed to be our closest ally in the region and for years there has been "no daylight" between us. Until now.

Obama could go as far as to allow sanctions to be place on Israel! According to Politico, "Obama has other diplomatic options. He could expend less political capital to oppose growing momentum within the European Union to impose sanctions on Israel for its settlement activity."

What a topsy-turvy world we are living in where we will excuse and appease Iran while seeking to punish Israel.

 Sean sat down for a special interview with Prime Minister Netanyahu and you can hear the entire interview on
A Republican Lesson
The election victory of Israel's Likud Party and thusly another term for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is important for many reasons, most important among them being the safety of the world. But Netanyahu's re-election can also teach the Republicans in America a thing or two about leadership.
1. Be bold. Be courageous. Even in the face of domestic and international criticism, Netanyahu pushed his own political gain aside and proceeded to make his speech to the United States Congress. He did this because it was important to the existence of his nation, the peace in his region and global security. He took a big risk politically, but that's what bold leaders have to do. Republicans, on the other hand, are so quick to bend and back-down because they are afraid of their own shadow. Focusing on keeping their own power rather than the principles they campaign on, Republicans could stand to be courageous when it is time to fight for what is best for America.
2. Stand on principles. The American people elected you Republicans to go to Washington and represent them. In order to be elected, you had to stand for something. You had to convince the people that you would carry your values, principles and solutions to Washington. Yet somehow that all seems to fly out the window once you arrive in Washington. Learn from Netanyahu. Stand up for something and you may actually gain credibility, make impact and even win elections. People want a leader who stands for something, rather than a politician who stands for nothing but their next campaign.
3. Fight. If you have principles, fight for them. Netanyahu fought through brutal criticism but that did not deter him doing the hard things. If it was easy, everyone would be Prime Minister or a Congressman or Senator or President. If you stand for defunding ObamaCare, you do what it takes and fight, even if it means shutting down the government. If you don't want to rob your children and grandchildren, you stand up and fight for a budget that balances.
Be bold, stand on principle and fight for those principles with conviction. Netanyahu displayed these attributes and American politicians, particularly Republicans, could stand to learn from him.

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