Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Iran Nuclear Deadline
We are within days of the deadline to reach a deal with Iran over their nuclear program. But the issue is far from resolved.
Israel is being accused of spying on the nuclear talks with Iran in attempts to undermine the efforts by then using the information to lobby the U.S. Congress to kill the deal. Israel is denying the accusations of spying directly on the talks.
The report also cites that Israeli officials knew that any intervention to lobby Congress directly or indirectly would damage relations with the White House but that this was “an acceptable cost,” according to the Wall Street Journal. A U.S. official is quoted as saying, “It is one thing for the U.S. and Israel to spy on each other. It is another thing for Israel to steal U.S. secrets and play them back to U.S. legislators to undermine U.S. diplomacy.” In other words, the Obama administration is upset with Israel sharing information about the negotiations, with its own Congress!
In other quote, “If you’re wondering whether something serious has shifted here, the answer is yes.”

If the report turns out to be true, could you blame Israel for going to such extreme measures to undermine a deal that it believes could lead to the destruction of its nation? If you were a leader of a country and another country that has vowed to wipe you off the map was on the verge of obtaining nuclear weapons, that would be of my utmost concern.

Israel is not the only noteworthy country with grave concern. Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister warned this week about Iran getting “undeserved deals.” Prince Saud al-Faisal said that guarantees must be made that Iran's program could not produce nuclear weapons

About 80 percent of the U.S. House of Representatives signed a letter to Obama this week about the need to restrict Iran's nuclear capabilities for decades to come.

Poll after poll also shows the American people to be unsupportive of the administration's efforts to broker a deal and believe any chance of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons capabilities would represent a grave threat.

Can you blame Israel, Saudi Arabia, American politicians (Democrats and Republicans) and the American people for being skeptical of Iran?

Just the past weekend, Ayatollah Khamenei gave a speech. During that speech, people in the crowd were chanting “Death to America.” According to reports, the Ayatollah responded, “Of course, Death to America.”

With reports such as that, why on Earth are we to trust Iran? Its baffling that negotiations are coming down to the wire, and yet this type of rhetoric continues to apparently be acceptable. Instead, the United States would prefer to be outraged by Israel and its supposedly egregious violation of sharing information about the Iran-U.S. negotiations with the U.S. Congress. Iran has given us absolutely zero reasons to believe that it is negotiating in good faith.

What an absolutely embarrassing moment in American history we are witnessing.
Premiums Higher Under ObamaCare
If you can believe, ObamaCare became law five years ago. Yet it remains as unpopular as ever, and for good reason.

Marking the anniversary, Obama slammed its critics, calling on them to “embrace reality.”

Well the reality is this …

A report from the National Bureau of Economic Research found that healthcare premiums are 24.4% higher than they would have been without ObamaCare.

Rather than more competition in the marketplace, the number of insurance carriers has shrunk, which means that prices go up and quality goes down.

The CBO estimates that the cost of ObamaCare will be way more than Obama promised, reaching $1.2 trillion.

It's no wonder that over 200 straight polls taken over the years have found ObamaCare to be growing in its unpopularity. Despite what they promised, the more we learn about it, the less we like it.

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